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Command line utility to create spritesheets of rotated sprites.

spriterot build workflow

Command line utility to create spritesheets of rotated sprites.


  • By default, generates spritesheets wasting as little space as possible.
  • 4 rendering algorithms: RotSprite, shearing, nearest, linear.
  • Resizes the sprite to make the rotations non-transparent pixels fit just right.
  • Configurable (min, max, clamp, exact value) number of rows and columns in the generated spritesheet.
  • Configurable number of frames to generate and range of the rotation.
  • Overridable width and height for generated frames, or force keeping the same size.
  • Configurable margin around generated frames.
  • Verbose output to get info about the generated spritesheet.
  • Can resolve the number of rotations to generate from the image filename: e.g. image-rotations-36.png for 36 frames.


spriterot --help                                                        

   [options] source

  source           Image to generate the rotations of.

  -h, --help
  -v, --verbose              Show details about the image(s) being processed.
  -k, --keep-size            Keep the size of the source image for generated rotations, could lead to cropped frames.
  --columns=COLUMNS          Configure the number of columns the generated spritesheet should have. Could lead to wasted space or a cropped spritesheet. Possible values: [min:<number>, max:<number>, clamp:<min>-<max>, <number>]
  --rows=ROWS                Configure the number of rows the generated spritesheet should have. Could lead to wasted space or a cropped spritesheet. Possible values: [min:<number>, max:<number>, clamp:<min>-<max>, <number>]
  --width=WIDTH              Manual width of each generated frame. Could lead to wasted space or cropped frames.
  --height=HEIGHT            Manual height of each generated frame. Could lead to wasted space or cropped frames.
  -m, --margin=MARGIN        Margin around frames, in pixels. Inapplicable when --width or --height are manually set or when --keep-size is enabled. (default: 0)
  -a, --algorithm=ALGORITHM  Algorithm used to rotate the image. Possible values: [rotsprite, shearing, nearest, linear] (default: rotsprite)
  -r, --rotations=ROTATIONS  Amount of rotations to generate.
  -f, --from=FROM            Angle in degrees from which to start generating rotations. (default: 0)
  -t, --to=TO                Angle in degrees up to which to generate rotations. (default: 360)
  -o, --output=OUTPUT        Output filename.


Create a spritesheet containing 9 frames of input_image.png, from 0 to 90 degrees, with a margin of 1 pixel around each frame.

spriterot -r 9 -f 0 -t 90 -m 1 -o output_image_from_0_to_90.png input_image.png

Create a spritesheet containing 20 frames of input_image.png, from 0 to 360 degrees, in a 2 columns grid. Verbose output.

spriterot -v --columns 2 -r 20 -o output_image_from_0_to_90.png input_image.png

Create a spritesheet containing 36 frames of input_image.png, from 0 to 360 degrees, keeping the size of the original source image for generated frames (could lead to cropped frames).

spriterot -r 36 --keep-size -o output_image_from_0_to_90.png input_image.png


rotsprite: best results for standard pixel art.


shearing: best results for keeping shades of dither patterns, e.g. Playdate graphics with dithering.


nearest: standard algorithm, nothing special.


linear: best results for conventional graphics, not pixel art.
