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Open-source Python 3.6+ wrapper for the Mojang Yggdrasil authentication service. May become deprecated when moved to Microsoft authentication.


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Open-source Python 3.6+ wrapper by Sam Carson for the Mojang Yggdrasil authentication service. Please reference the documentation for extra information.

Install via PyPI using the following command: pip install yggdrasil-py

This wrapper is supported only for Python 3.6 and above because of the use of f-strings when an Exception is raised. You could easily modify the code to use %s formatting or the .format() function, but they are not as efficient.

Minecraft 1.6 introduced a new authentication scheme called Yggdrasil which completely replaces the previous authentication system. Mojang's other game, Scrolls, uses this method of authentication as well.

Since a recent pull request, support has been added for custom authentication servers. As far as I am aware, the only instance of this is ely.by.


Authenticates a user using their password.

def authenticate(username:str, password:str, agentName:str = 'Minecraft', clientToken:str = None, requestUser:str = False, authServer:str = url):


  • String (required) Username of agent/Mojang email (if migrated)
  • String (required) Password for the account used
  • String (optional) Agent, defaults to Minecraft, can also be Scrolls
  • String (optional) Client identifier, must be random and identical per request
  • Boolean (optional) If set to True request for user object too (default is False)
  • String (optional) Custom authentication server. Defaults to https://authserver.mojang.com



from yggdrasil import authenticate
import random

randomClientToken = random.randint(10000,99999)
mc = authenticate('[email protected]','p455w0rd', 'Minecraft', randomClientToken, False)


Refreshes a valid accessToken. It can be used to keep a user logged in between gaming sessions and is preferred over storing the user's password in a file.

def refresh(accessToken:str, clientToken:str, requestUser:bool = False, authServer:str = url):


  • String (required) Valid accessToken, gained from authenticate()
  • String (required) Identical to the clientToken used to get the accessToken in the first place
  • Boolean (optional) If set to True request for user object too (default is False)
  • String (optional) Custom authentication server. Defaults to https://authserver.mojang.com



from yggdrasil import refresh
print(refresh(mc['accessToken'], randomClientToken))
# Note: invalidates inputted accessToken


Checks if an accessToken is usable for authentication with a Minecraft server.

def validate(accessToken:str, clientToken:str = None, authServer:str = url):


  • String (required) Valid accessToken, gained from authenticate()
  • String (optional) Identical to the clientToken used to get the accessToken in the first place
  • String (optional) Custom authentication server. Defaults to https://authserver.mojang.com


  • Returns Boolean for whether accessToken is valid (and clientToken match, if defined)


from yggdrasil import validate
print(validate(mc['accessToken'], randomClientToken))


Invalidates accessTokens using an account's username and password.

def signout(username:str, password:str, authServer:str = url):


  • String (required) Username of agent/Mojang email (if migrated)
  • String (required) Password for the account used
  • String (optional) Custom authentication server. Defaults to https://authserver.mojang.com


  • Returns True unless error thrown


from yggdrasil import signout
print(signout('[email protected]','p455w0rd'))


Invalidates accessTokens using a client/access token pair.

def invalidate(accessToken:str, clientToken:str, authServer:str = url):


  • String (required) Valid accessToken, gained from authenticate()
  • String (required) Identical to the clientToken used to get the accessToken in the first place
  • String (optional) Custom authentication server. Defaults to https://authserver.mojang.com


  • Returns True unless error thrown


from yggdrasil import invalidate
print(signout(mc['accessToken'], randomClientToken))