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Building an Single Vendor eCommerce application by using Laravel 8 & Vue 2

E Penguin Shop

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:heart: Application Name: E Penguin Shop </>

Single Vendor Ecommerce web application

Admin Home Page

(Image: Admin Dashboard Dark Theme )


(Image: Admin Dashboard (Light Theme))

Home Page

(Image: Home Page

:hugs: Requirements

    *  PHP >= 7.3
    *  MySQL
    *  Apache
    *  Laravel >= 8.0
    *  Composer

:clap: Installation:

    composer install

    npm install

    cp .env.example .env

    # Database Connection on .env

    php artisan cache:clear

    php artisan key:generate

    # First Time
    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

    # After first time migration
    php artisan migrate

    php artisan db:seed

    mkdir public/storage && cp .storage/** public/storage -r

    php artisan storage:link

    # Run Backend Server by Terminal
    php artisan serve

    # Run Frontend Server by Terminal
    npm run watch-poll

Packages Install Command
"laravel/ui": "^3.0" composer require laravel/ui --dev
"silviolleite/laravelpwa": "^2.0" composer require silviolleite/laravelpwa

:hand: Features

  • ;) Backend

    • Caching
    • Authentication : ( Multi Guard ) Session based Authentication
    • Repository Pattern
    • Packages & Stub
    • Model Observer ( used for cache deleting)
    • Authorization: Gate, Policies
    • Requests, Validation , Refactoring & File Upload
    • Scope Filter in Model
    • ORM for MySQL ( Elequent ORM )

  • :* Frontend:

    • Frontend Framework : Vue Js
    • Library : IViewUi, Vue-owl-carousel,VueX,Vue-router,lodash,jQuery,axios
    • Admin LTE 3 in Admin Panel & Molla Ecommerce Template in Frontend
    • Dynamic/ Auto Import Modules (Store, Routes) in frontend
    • Localization : Mutliple Languege (Bangla :bangladesh: + English :us: implemented) by vue-i18n
    • Light/Dark Theme & Grid/List Layout
    • Code Spliting , Lazy Loading , Less Ajax request
Node Packages Install Command Why Use It
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.1", npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
"admin-lte": "^3.0.5" npm install admin-lte Open Source Dashboard
"moment": "^2.29.1" npm install admin-lte
"view-design": "^4.4.0-rc.4"," npm install view-design UI Widget Component Library
"vue-i18n": "^8.22.1"," npm install vue-i18n Localization
"vform": "^1.0.1"," npm install v-form Form Validation
"vuex": "^3.5.1" npm install vuex State Management
"vue-router": "^3.4.6", npm install vue-router Routing
"vuex-extensions": "^1.1.5", npm install vue-extensions RESET State & Mixins in Vuex (Tiny package)
"vue-owl-carousel": "^2.0.3", npm install vue-owl-carousel Owl Carousel
"vuex-persistedstate": "^4.0.0-beta.1" npm install vue-router Routing
"vue-magnifier": "^1.0.6", npm install vue-magnifier Zoom Image
"vue-awesome-notifications": "^3.1.1", npm install vue-awesome-notifications
"@zeitiger/elevatezoom": "^2.5.4", npm install @zeitiger/elevatezoom

:sa: Roles:

Role URL Email Password
Admin /admin/login [email protected] 123456
Customer / User `/login` [email protected] 123456

:heart: Happy Coding :clap: 🚀 twitter