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GABAM, Long, T et al. ,2019
I come across this dataset and I think it will be very useful to be included in GEE.
30 m resolution global annual burned area maps (GABAM) of 1985-2019.
@article{Long_2019, doi = {10.3390/rs11050489}, url = {}, year = 2019, month = {feb}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {489}, author = {Tengfei Long and Zhaoming Zhang and Guojin He and Weili Jiao and Chao Tang and Bingfang Wu and Xiaomei Zhang and Guizhou Wang and Ranyu Yin}, title = {30 m Resolution Global Annual Burned Area Mapping Based on Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine}, journal = {Remote Sensing} }
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License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Keywords: Global Burned Area, LANDSAT
Last updated: 2021-04-06
Seems the dataset is under an open license which is even better
This has now been completed release information in the changelog