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Howto: Run an exec command on a running container
Hello, I'm trying to run a command on a running container. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Could you assist. Running the test below returns the following:
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/go/src/com.stuff/ambassador$ go test TestExec -v=== RUN TestExec
--- PASS: TestExec (0.01s)
func TestExec(t *testing.T) {
//var sContainer dockerclient.Container
var config dockerclient.ExecConfig
containers, err := docker.ListContainers(true, false, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot get containers: %s", err)
for _, c := range containers {
for _, name := range c.Names {
if name == "/testapi" {
config.Container = c.Id
if config.Container == "" {
t.Error("Container Not found")
config.Cmd = []string{"bash", "-c", "date"}
config.AttachStdout = true
config.AttachStderr = true
config.AttachStdin = false
config.Tty = false
config.Detach = false
ID, err := docker.ExecCreate(&config)
if err != nil {
config.Cmd = []string{}
config.AttachStdout = true
config.AttachStderr = true
config.AttachStdin = true
config.Tty = true
config.Detach = true
err = docker.ExecStart(ID, &config)
if err != nil {
How do I run a command and trap the response?
@beatscode did you figure this out? I am of need of this as well.
Anyone know how to do this?