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[BUG] x509_v2 certificate_managed is passing newline stripped data to append_certs
Description x509_v2 certificate_managed append_certs parameter is stripping newlines from PEM certificates.
When using the below state the minion will throw a invalid index error in salt/utils/
because the pems = split_pems(cert)
is receiving PEM pillar data with its newlines replaced with spaces. On the master split_pems receives proper pillar data with the newlines included. But the minion seems to have newlines replaced with spaces.
For now as a workaround I've just changed the append_certs to run the pillar data into base64_encode which works.
- name: /etc/pki/fqdn/public.crt.pem
- ca_server: master.local
- signing_policy: encipher
- private_key: /etc/pki/fqdn/private.key.pem
- CN: fqdn
- days_valid: 90
- days_remaining: 60
- makedirs: True
- dir_mode: 0700
- mode: 0600
- subjectAltName: 'DNS: fqdn'
- encoding: pem
- append_certs:
- {{pillar['cacerts']['int_ca']}}
- {{pillar['cacerts']['root_ca']}}
Versions Report
Salt Version:
Salt: 3007.0
Python Version:
Python: 3.12.3 (main, Apr 23 2024, 09:16:07) [GCC 13.2.1 20240417]
Dependency Versions:
cffi: 1.16.0
cherrypy: Not Installed
dateutil: Not Installed
docker-py: Not Installed
gitdb: Not Installed
gitpython: Not Installed
Jinja2: 3.1.3
libgit2: Not Installed
looseversion: 1.3.0
M2Crypto: 0.40.1
Mako: Not Installed
msgpack: 1.0.5
msgpack-pure: Not Installed
mysql-python: Not Installed
packaging: 23.2
pycparser: 2.22
pycrypto: Not Installed
pycryptodome: 3.12.0
pygit2: Not Installed
python-gnupg: Not Installed
PyYAML: 6.0.1
PyZMQ: 25.1.2
relenv: Not Installed
smmap: Not Installed
timelib: Not Installed
Tornado: 6.4
ZMQ: 4.3.5
Salt Package Information:
Package Type: Not Installed
System Versions:
dist: arch
locale: utf-8
machine: x86_64
release: 6.5.11-8-pve
system: Linux
version: Arch Linux
Both master and minion are Arch Linux on 3007.0
Without knowledge about the specifics of your setup, I suspect the title does not describe the problem correctly. It should probably be utils.x509.load_cert crashes when confronted with improperly formatted PEM data
. In general, load_cert
should definitely not cause a traceback, while split_pems
should probably work with improperly formatted data.
An initial reaction:
It's generally recommended to dump data (especially strings that can contain newlines) by passing it through the json
# ...
- append_certs:
- {{ pillar['cacerts']['int_ca'] | json }}
- {{ pillar['cacerts']['root_ca'] | json }}
Otherwise, the rendered YAML can become garbled/invalid (+ you might open yourself up to a template injection attack, depending on the source of the data).
Since your template seems to render fine (when I skip |json
, the YAML is invalid), I assume the pillar values do not contain the properly formatted certificates verbatim (including newlines). The split_pems
function does not fix those though, it expects
and strips anything that's not in between \n?-----BEGIN (CERTIFICATE|...)-----\n[...]\n-----END (CERTIFICATE|...)-----\n?
If the certificates in the pillar are read from a YAML file, they should be defined like:
int_ca: |
root_ca: |
My pillar data is defined just like that, with the multline |
. And prior to migrating to x509_v2 this worked without | json
or | base64_encode
What's weird is when I patch utils/
on the minion and master, to have a debug print for the cert
variable. The master gets a proper PEM string with literal \n
s (not 0x0a) in it but the minion gets spaces or some sort of whitespace instead of \n
When I do salt-call
on minion and master they both show the proper PEM with newlines. I'll try to replicate with 2 docker containers since I can't replicate with a simple 'masterless' setup.
That's weird. Does | json
fix it (I doubt it)? If not, you can try salt["x509.get_pem_entry"](pillar['cacerts']['int_ca']) | json
I can attest that the previous x509
modules ran the certificates that were specified in append_certs
through x509.get_pem_entry
, which fixes improperly formatted PEM entries. Fixing it in the state module is not an option for x509_v2
since it also supports other input types there (base64/hex-encoded data), we would have to adapt the split_pems
| json
does workaround just like | base64_encode
I'll try and get a minimum reproducible setup going for debugging. It may be related somehow to this x509.certificate_managed state being inside a macro as well.
Awesome. Yes, that's a likely culprit.
| json
is not a workaround per se, it is how multiline strings should always be escaped, documented (not in the best location) here:
If omitted, the resulting YAML should be unparsable:
[salt.state :4326][CRITICAL][746574] Rendering SLS 'base:x509test' failed: could not find expected ':'; line 17
- subjectAltName: 'DNS: fqdn'
- encoding: pem
- append_certs: