salt-ext-modules-vmware copied to clipboard
Salt Extension Modules for VMware
`salt vc01 vmware_vm.relocate vm_name=vm01 new_host_name=host1 datastore_name=ds01`: ``` vc01: The minion function caused an exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/metaproxy/", line 483, in thread_return opts, data, func, args, kwargs...
`salt vc01 vm_name=vm01` ``` vc01: The minion function caused an exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/metaproxy/", line 483, in thread_return opts, data, func, args, kwargs File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/salt/loader/",...
The `saltext.vmware.modules.cluster_ha` execution module does not currently permit any way to specify `hBDatastoreCandidatePolicy` (Heartbeat datastore selection policy) and `heartbeatDatastore` (Heartbeat datstores). Using the module currently uses the default of `allFeasibleDs`...
The modules `saltext.vmware.states.license_mgr.present` and `saltext.vmware.modules.license_mgr.add` do not currently permit specifying a `name` property, so all licences are displayed as 'License 1' in the UI. It would be useful to be...
Using the `saltext.vmware.states.license_mgr.present` state module fails with fails with `KeyError: 'changes'`. _licence_present.sls:_ ``` licence_vsphere: vmware_license_mgr.present: - license_key: 1A1AA-11111-111AA-1A1AA-1AAAA ``` Using a vcenter proxy: ``` vc01: The minion function caused an...
Currently, `vmware_vm.deploy_ova` and `vmware_vm.deploy_ovf` deploy to the first datastore attached to the specified host: Also, the modules don't have the ability to specify `OvfConfiguration` to be able to configure...
I tried a state file that looks like this: ``` {% for host in ['hv01', 'hv02', 'hv03'] %} saltmod_dvswitch_add_hosts_dvs-storage_{{ host }}: - vmware_dvswitch.add_hosts: - switch_name: DVS-STORAGE - datacenter_name: DC...
Even though vSphere has had IPv6 support with near-parity to IPv4 since at least 6.0 (see [vSphere IPv6 Connectivity](, this extension seems to not support it at all. Examples: [saltext.vmware.modules.esxi.create_vmkernel_adapter](
I've setup an esxi proxy using the saltext modules and it's getting constant errors per the following: ``` # salt-proxy --proxyid esxi_cluster1_esx01 [CRITICAL] Failed to load grains defined in grain...
Getting the entire "old" and "new" returns is... excessive, most of the time we don't care about every attribute, just those that change. If we change to ``` "changes":...