Salvador Ortiz
Salvador Ortiz
"S04/Exceptions" talks about `@!` as an unthrown exceptions list of Failures, so my though was that this S04-exceptions/pending.t tests was, in principle, about them. I assumed that if `$! !~~...
> The right hand side of a `.=` expects something that is valid on the right side of a `.` I'm not so sure about that. Given `$a = '19';`...
> … the precedence of `.=` which is higher than `.` No, the precedence of both is *almost* the same, so associativity wins: ```raku class B { method m {...
@2colours, Yes, `$a .= &sub` is valid. In the table above I deliberately don't include `.&…`, `.$…`, `."…`, etc., because these constructs aren't `dotty` tokens, only alternative forms of method...
Let me show you a simple way of locally "switch" your variables (using "binding" not "assignment"): ```raku my @a = ; my @b = 1,2,3,4; for @a, @b -> @b,...
Long before `(@a, @b) := (@b, @a)` can work, you'd need to be able to rebound an already bounded variable. But as soon as you *declare* a variable in any...
The actual NativeCall documentation misleads the fact that a `CArray`, when parameterized with a `CStruct` type `Foo`, it only allocate space for a `Pointer[Foo]`, not a concrete `Foo`. I supose...
In order for DBIish to be able to load any of the required libraries, it needs: - Know the name of the library file on the local platform. - That...