PaginatedTableView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PaginatedTableView copied to clipboard

Assign this class to your UITableView and it will be equipped with pull to refresh as well as infinite scroll along with a callback where you don't have to worry about page number/size stuff. Thats wh...


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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Pagination or Infinite scroll is a very necessary feature in modern apps. This library makes it super easy to implement infinite scroll.
No need to keep the page number or show/hide loader logic within the ViewController, it will stay as clean as you have simple table view. :+1:
Guess what, it comes with pull to refresh by default ;)


Step 1: Assign custom class

  // Assign custom class to table view in storyboard
  @IBOutlet weak var tableView: PaginatedTableView!

Step 2: Remember to assign paginated delegate and data source ONLY, DO NOT assign tableViewDelegate or tableViewDataSource

  // Add paginated delegates only
  tableView.paginatedDelegate = self
  tableView.paginatedDataSource = self

Step 3: On ViewDidLoad call the load method with refresh true optional parameter

  tableView.loadData(refresh: true)

Step 4: Implement stub and call api

    func loadMore(_ pageNumber: Int, _ pageSize: Int, onSuccess: ((Bool) -> Void)?, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?) {
        // Call your api here
        // Send true in onSuccess in case new data exists, sending false will disable pagination
        // If page number is first, reset the list
        if pageNumber == 1 { self.list = [Model]() }
        // else append the data to list
        // If Api responds with error

        // Else end success with flag true if more data available
        let moreDataAvailable = !apiResponseList.isEmpty

The latest release supports swiping cells and listening to scroll changes, please see example for more features.

Step 5: Enjoy
Yeah! Thats all. You now have paginated table view with infinite scroll along with pull to refresh :heart:
Simple, isnt it?


PaginatedTableView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'PaginatedTableView'


Salmaan Ahmed, [email protected]


PaginatedTableView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.