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referrer copied to clipboard

Tracking system for sources of site's visitors with sources priorities and linking most priority source with tracked orders/requests/etc


Build Status Code Climate

Referrer tracks sources with which users visit your site, converts them into utm markup, computes priority of these sources and provides linking for sources with tracked model's records (orders/requests/etc).

Sample questions which Referrer can help to answer:

  • Where did this user come from?
  • {utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic'}

  • Where did users come from last month?
  • [{utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic', count: 1}, {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 1', utm_term: 'some text', kind: 'utm', count: 2}, etc...]

  • Where did user who make purchase come from?
  • {utm_source: '', utm_medium: 'referral', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '/some_path', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'referral'}

  • Where did users who left some requests come from last week?
  • [{utm_source: '(direct)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct', count: 3}, {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 2', utm_term: 'another text', kind: 'utm', count: 5}, etc...]


Basic setup

  1. Add Referrer to your Gemfile:

    gem 'referrer'
  2. Run the bundle command to install it:

    bundle install
  3. Copy migrations from engine:

    rake referrer:install:migrations
  4. Migrate your database:

    rake db:migrate
  5. Mount engine's routes at config/routes.rb

    mount Referrer::Engine => '/referrer'
  6. Require engine's js in your application.js file:

    //= require referrer/application
  7. Add to your ApplicationController:

    include Referrer::ControllerAdditions
  8. If your current_user method has another name, add to config/initializers/referrer.rb:

    Referrer.current_user_method_name = :your_method_name

Setup your statistics owners

Add to your models which objects may be returned from current_user (or your same method, specified in Referrer.current_user_method_name) include Referrer::OwnerModelAdditions. For sample if your current_user return User objects:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Referrer::OwnerModelAdditions

Setup your tracked models

  1. Add to models you want to track include Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions. For sample if you want to track where users who make orders come from (Order class):

    class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
    include Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions
  2. After you create tracked model record next time you can link record with current source. For sample (with Order object):

    # OrdersControllers#create
      @order.referrer_link_with(referrer_user) # referrer_user defined in Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions


Referrer settings can be changed in initializers. For sample, you can create config/initializers/referrer.rb and add your custom settings to it.

###Settings list

  1. current_user_method_name - method name in ApplicationController which return current logged in object.

  2. js_settings - options passes to js part of Referrer.


    Available options:

    • cookies

      {prefix: 'referrer',
       domain: null,
       path: '/'}
    • object

      {name: 'referrer'}
    • callback

  3. js_csrf_token - js code to get CSRF token if it is used.

      var tokenContainer = document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]");
      return tokenContainer ? tokenContainer.content : null;
  4. markup_generator_settings - options for Referrer::MarkupGenerator.


Available options:

  • organics

    [{host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'query'},
     {host: '', param: 'p'},
     {host: /^(www\.)?google\.[a-z]+$/, param: 'q', display: 'google'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', params: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'text'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'qs'},
     {host: '', param: 'wd'},
     {host: /^(www\.)?yandex\.[a-z]+$/, param: 'text', display: 'yandex'},
     {host: '', param: 'oq'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'k'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'query'},
     {host: '', param: 'query'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'q'},
     {host: '', param: 'query'}]
  • referrals

    [{host: /^(www\.)?t\.co$/, display: ''}, 
     {host: /^(www\.)?plus\.url\.google\.com$/, display: ''}]
  • utm_synonyms

    {'utm_source'=>[], 'utm_medium'=>[], 'utm_campaign'=>[], 'utm_content'=>[], 'utm_term'=>[]}
  • array_params_joiner

    ', '
  1. session_duration - after this duration left, new session will be created and its sources priorities will be computed without regard to past sessions sources.

  2. sources_overwriting_schema - source's kind priorities for priority source computation.

    {direct: %w(direct),
     referral: %w(direct referral organic utm),
     organic: %w(direct referral organic utm),
     utm: %w(direct referral organic utm)}


Sources owner


Get markups for application user. Returns hash where:

  • first - user's first source
  • priority - user's last priority source, computed using sources_overwriting_schema
  • last - user's last source
=> {first: {utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic'},
    priority: {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 1', utm_term: 'some text', kind: 'utm'},
    last: {utm_source: '(direct)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct'}}

Tracked model


Get markup for tracked model's object. Returns markup hash:

=> {utm_source: '', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: 'referral', utm_content: '/', 
    utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'referral'}}

referrer_link_with(r_user, linked_at: nil) [referrer_link_with!(r_user, linked_at: nil)]

Link tracked model's object to referrer's data. Parameters:

  • r_user - Referrer::User object, in controller can be got by referrer_user (requires Referrer::ControllerAdditions be included).
  • linked_at - custom linking DateTime.


Referrer::Statistics.sources_markup(from, to)

Get markup of visits occurred in the specified period. Parameters:

  • from - DateTime of period start
  • to - DateTime of period end


Referrer::Statistics.sources_markup(10.days.ago, 2.days.ago)
=> [{utm_source: 'first', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 2},
    {utm_source: 'second', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 1},
    {utm_source: '(direct)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct', count: 1}]

Referrer::Statistics.tracked_objects_markup(from, to, type: nil)

Get markup associated with tracked model objects, in the specified period. Parameters:

  • from - DateTime of period start
  • to - DateTime of period end
  • type - tracked model name. If specified, response will contain markup associated only with this model objects.


Referrer::Statistics.tracked_objects_markup(10.days.ago, 2.days.ago)
=> [{utm_source: 'first', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', 
     utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 2}, 
    {utm_source: 'second', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', 
     utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 1}]


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