uuid-encoder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
uuid-encoder copied to clipboard

Encode UUIDs to Base36 or any other system

UUID Encoder

Convert UUIDs into Base32, Base36, or any other encoding of your choice.

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status


const UuidEncoder = require('uuid-encoder');

// Create Base 36 encoder
const encoder = new UuidEncoder('base36');

// Encode an UUID
const encodedUuid = encoder.encode('38b9823d-fa1a-48e7-91fc-ee16ad091cf2');

// Decode an encoded UUID
const decodedUuid = encoder.decode(encodedUuid);


UuidEncoder([baseEncodingStr = 'base36'])

Instantiate a new encoder using the specified base encoder.

string encode(string uuid)

Returns a string containing the encoded version of the uuid.

string decode(string str)

Returns a string containing the decoded UUID from str.


Built-In Encodings

Type Charset Description
'base2' 0-1 Binary encoding
'base10' 0-9 Decimal encoding
'base16' 0-9, a-f Hexadecimal encoding
'base32' Custom Crockford's Base 32
'base36' 0-9, a-z Base 36 (default)
'base58' Custom Bitcoin Base 58
'base62' 0-9, A-Z, a-z Base 62
'base64' 0-9, A-Z, a-z, +, / Base 64
'base64url' 0-9, A-Z, a-z, -, _ Base 64 URL encoding (RFC 4648)

Custom Encoding

To use a different set or count of encoding characters, simply pass a string containing every desired letter to the constructor.

All custom encoding sets are case sensitive.

const encoder = new UuidEncoder('02468ACEGI'); // weird base10