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A personal statement LaTeX framework for handling multiple university applications

🎉 2022 Update 🎉

EasyPS now has an easier-to-use Python API! Check it out at PyEasyPS!

:page_facing_up: EasyPS

EasyPS is a simple and easy-to-use personal statement LaTeX framework. This solves the problem of messy and duplicated tex files when writing personal statements for multiple universities.


Table of contents

  • Download
  • Usage
  • Why should I use this?
  • Warning for users :heavy_exclamation_mark:


There are two main methods to download the file, choose one only.

  1. Download as a ZIP file by clicking the green Code button above.

  2. If you have git installed, just clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/salfaris/easy-ps


Only 4 steps: open, update settings, write content, compile.

  1. Go to the main directory and open main.tex in your favorite LaTeX text editor (mine is Sublime Text).

  2. Change these variables accordingly:


    :heavy_exclamation_mark: There is one caveat for the psForUniversity variable; keep reading.

  3. Open the content directory and create a new .tex file named exactly equal (word-for-word) to what you inserted in the psForUniversity variable. Then write your personal statement normally in this file.

    Note the file name must be the same word-for-word for otherwise, it will crash at compile time.

  4. Build your PDF file as usual.

Why should I use this?

Using this framework, you can easily add as many personal statements you want and activate/deactivate them by commenting out. For example, suppose this is my current settings in the preamble.

\studentName{Sal Faris}

% Uni of Cambridge
\courseName{MPhil in Advanced Computer Science}

%% Imperial College London
% \psForUniversity{imperial.tex}
% \courseName{MSc Computing}
% \showTitle{false}

If I make an edit to my PS content for Imperial and want to build again, it is as simple as comment/uncomment code.

\studentName{Sal Faris}

%% Uni of Cambridge
% \psForUniversity{cambridge.tex}
% \courseName{MPhil in Advanced Computer Science}
% \showTitle{true}

% Imperial College London
\courseName{MSc Computing}

Warning for users :heavy_exclamation_mark:

  1. Directory and file names are sensitive, so changing the names of, for example, content and easyps.cls may cause a crash.

  2. Do not edit anything after \begin{document}; unless you know what you are doing.

  3. Again we emphasize, psForUniversity must match a .tex file in the content directory.