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Conditional Transformer Language Model for Controllable Generation

Results 26 ctrl issues
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Hi, Thanks for sharing your great work here! Was wondering if and when you would be releasing tips and scripts related to data collection used to pretrained CTRL. Cheers

Hello! How to extract control code from text?

For finetuning with lower memory fp16 version(for fp32 version , OOMs occur. ), How should I modify the training.py script?

When trying to run CTRL on EC2, ```Python python2 generation.py --model seqlen512_v1.ckpt/model.ckpt-740000.data-00000-of-00001 --temperature 0.2 --topk 5 ``` I get results that look like this "Wikipedia Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry...

I am trying to fine-tune the model but as the model is too large so it gets out of memory error. Any idea how to get over it? `tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.ResourceExhaustedError: OOM...

Hi ! Wondering if smaller-sized, pre-trained ctrl models, e.g., the same size as the gpt-2 model on huggingface, are available - ideal for smaller-scale experiments without large-memory GPUs :)) Thanks...

torch ver: 1.8.1+cu102 transformers ver: 4.4.2 I adopt the example codes from https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/examples/text-generation/run_generation.py to generate text by using ctrl. here is the head part of my codes: ``` import torch...

Hi, I'm running the [Colab exercise for pytorch](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1hVveBQShDru1Mjnhe4C21uQv4A2eH1tV#scrollTo=j-XvLn5JvA5U). When I get to the last code block: `!python2 generation.py --model seqlen256_v1.ckpt/model.ckpt-413000.data-00000-of-00001` I'm getting this error: `/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/OpenSSL/crypto.py:14: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no...

I notice you have three pretrained models, include seqlen256_v1.ckpt and seqlen512_v1.ckpt. And you say "Only difference is the sequence length used during training. The 512 model uses double the number...