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Error when displaying the messages of requirements on password updating
With the following settings enabled in password management:
- Password should contain uppercase characters
- Password should contain lowercase characters
- Password should contain numbers
When creating or updating a user's password, if the above requirements are not met, the CRM tries to show notifications to the user but a javascript error occurs.
Expected Behavior
The CRM should have displayed the messages of:
- Password should contain uppercase characters.
- Password should contain numbers.
Actual Behavior
The following javascript error occurs:
Failed to launch 'location:%20index.php?action=EditView&module=Users&record=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
Possible Fix
In the file: modules/Users/User.php, remove the string "Location: " from the method SugarApplication::redirect (Lines 687, 715 and 719)
Steps to Reproduce
- Activate the following parameters in password management
- Password should contain uppercase characters
- Password should contain lowercase characters
- Password should contain numbers
- Create or edit a user.
- Enter a password that does not meet the requirements of point 1.
- Check javascript error in browser console.
Detected while trying to modify the password of a non-administrator user from an administrator user
Your Environment
- SuiteCRM Version used: Version 7.11.15 - Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
- Browser name and version: Google chrome Versión 88.0.4324.150 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
- Environment name and version: MySQL, PHP 7.3
- Operating System and version: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
In <project_name>\modules\Users\User.php file on line number 687,715&719 remove the "Location" eg from this return SugarApplication::redirect('Location: index.php?action=Error&module=Users'); to this return SugarApplication::redirect(' index.php?action=Error&module=Users');
We have followed the steps described above in Errors are now getting displayed, but
- CreateView page gets reloaded and all the info User had added gets lost.
- User still gets created regardless of password restrictions (6 characters, Must have Lower and Uppercase characters).