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Saleor documentation.

Saleor Documentation

What's In This Document

  • Get Started in 5 Minutes
  • Directory Structure
  • Editing Content
  • Adding Content
  • Full Documentation

Get Started in 5 Minutes

  1. Make sure you are using Node in version 12+:
node --version
  1. Install project dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run your dev server:
npm start

Production Build

  1. Build project:
npm run build
  1. Testing build local:
npm run serve

Editing Content

Directory Structure

  • /docs Current Canary developer documentation.
  • /docs/api-reference Automatically generated API reference.
  • /docusaurus.config.js Docusaurus configuration file.
  • /docusaurus2-graphql-doc-generator GraphQL API Reference plugin code.
  • /sidebars.js Sidebar menu structure.
  • /static Styling and other static files.
  • /versioned_docs & /versioned_sidebars Tagged versions of documentation matching the latest Saleor release.


Code formatting

Code and response examples should be inside code blocks with proper language:

query {
  "errorCode": 400

Lining pages

Use full path to the file to avoid linking to wrong page.

  • :white_check_mark: Example of good link: [Attributes](/docs/developer/attributes.mdx)
  • :stop_sign: Avoid: [Attributes](/attributes)

Using custom React components

All documentation files use extension:

  • .mdx - Developer documentation
  • .md - Dashboard documentation

If your page uses custom react components, you are required to use .mdx file extension. Import statement is also required:

## <!-- /docs/developer/export/export-overview.mdx file -->

## title: Exporting Products

import Foo from "@site/components/Foo";


<Foo />

For charts we are using Mermaid package.

Editing an existing docs page

Edit docs by navigating to docs/ and editing the corresponding document:


id: page-needs-edit
title: This Doc Needs To Be Edited

Edit me...

For more information about docs, click here

Adding Content

Adding a new docs page to an existing sidebar

  1. Create the doc as a new markdown file in /docs, example docs/
id: newly-created-doc
title: This Doc Needs To Be Edited

My new content here..
  1. Refer to that doc's ID in an existing sidebar in sidebar.js:
// Add newly-created-doc to the Getting Started category of docs
  "docs": {
    "Getting Started": [
      "newly-created-doc" // new doc here

For more information about adding new docs, click here

Adding items to your site's top navigation bar

  1. Add links to docs, custom pages or external links by editing the headerLinks field of siteConfig.js:
  headerLinks: [
    /* you can add docs */
      type: "doc",
      docId: "dashboard/before-you-start",
      label: "Dashboard Manual",
      position: "left",
    /* you can add custom pages */
    { page: 'help', label: 'Help' },
    /* you can add external links */
    { href: '', label: 'GitHub' },

For more information about the navigation bar, click here

Adding custom pages

  1. Docusaurus uses React components to build pages. The components are saved as .js files in ./pages/en:
  2. If you want your page to show up in your navigation header, you will need to update siteConfig.js to add to the headerLinks element:
  headerLinks: [
    { page: 'my-new-custom-page', label: 'My New Custom Page' },

For more information about custom pages, click here.


The latest Saleor version is labeled as 3.x. It provides documentation for users based on the latest stable release of Saleor.

The current in-progress version is labeled as Canary and is built based on the documents in the docs folder. The "Canary" version represents the bleeding-edge development work, where the latest enhancements, bug fixes, and experimental features are being actively worked on and tested.

The canary version serves as a preview of what's to come, enabling developers and early adopters to explore upcoming features and contribute to the platform's advancement.

Updating versions

The changes made to the main docs folder will be available in the Canary version. The changes made to the versioned_docs/version-3.x folder will be available in the 3.x version (current).

Updating stable version

Apply changes in both docs and versioned_docs/version-3.x folders.

Introducing features for the upcoming Saleor version

Apply changes in docs folders.

Releasing Canary to 3.x

With the use of GitHub Action

update-stable-version GitHub Action workflow checks on a daily basis the saleor/saleor repository's latest release in search for the attached schema.graphql file. Such an attachment suggests the need to update the 3.x docs and if found it creates a PR updating 3.x based on canary.


  1. Remove versions.json file or just "3.x" inside
  2. Run UPDATE_SALEOR=true npx docusaurus docs:version 3.x
  3. Commit changes and issue a PR

Updating the API Reference & Storefront Reference

Files in /docs/api-reference are generated by @graphql-markdown/docusaurus package. Introduction pages are automatically copied from /template/api-reference.mdx and /template/storefromt/api-reference.mdx files.


To update the API reference:

  1. Put schema.graphql locally into the root of the saleor-docs repository
  2. Run npm run update-api-reference

The script behind the scenes does several steps:

  1. The api-reference is generated in .tmp folder.
  2. The highlighting script does additional improvements in the generated docs. It makes the Saleor version and required permissions more visible.
  3. The current references from docs folder are being removed and generated references in .tmp folder are moved to the docs.
  4. The code examples are being injected. The code examples from the examples folder are being put into corresponding files in the references folder.


Saleor Docs are using Algolia DocSearch for the website search.

Crawl interval

DocSearch crawls the website once a week on Friday and aggregates all the content in an Algolia index. This content is then queried directly from the front-end using the Algolia API.

Ranking strategy

The website's search results are meticulously ranked to enhance user relevance and experience. A custom ranking function, known as pageRank, is employed for this purpose. The ranking strategy prioritizes various content categories as follows:

  1. metaPageRank: This takes precedence and is determined by a custom meta attribute, providing a top-tier ranking for specific content.

  2. Documentation Pages: General documentation pages are next in line for ranking, excluding those generated based on schema API reference and API storefront.

  3. API Reference Pages: These pages are ranked differently based on the type of operation they represent.

function pageRank(url) {
  if (metaPageRank) {
    return metaPageRank;
  if (!/\/api-reference\/|\/api-storefront\//.test(url.pathname)) {
    // not part of API reference
    return "40";
  if (/\/mutations\//.test(url.pathname)) {
    // mutation
    return "30";
  if (/\/queries\//.test(url.pathname)) {
    // query
    return "20";
  return "10";

Manual Ranking Control

For even finer control over search result rankings, you can manually influence the ranking of specified pages by adding a custom meta attribute - rank - to the page. The rank meta is configured to have the highest priority in Algolia.

To assign a custom rank to a particular page, use the following code snippet:

  <meta name="rank" content="50" />


In dev mode, Docusaurus serves a debug page with a list of all available routes and config at http://localhost:3000/__docusaurus/debug.

Full Docusaurus Documentation

Full documentation can be found on the website.