saleor-dashboard copied to clipboard
Use English locale when none provided to prevent runtime errors
What type of PR is this?
- [ ] 💅 Refactor
- [ ] 🌟 Feature
- [x] 🔥 Bug Fix
- [ ] 🔩 Maintenance
- [ ] 🛠 Workflow CI/CD changes
Related Issues or Documents
- closes #
Usage Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Have you written tests?
- [ ] Yes!
- [ ] No... here is why: Writing tests are mandatory, please replace this text with why test are not included in this PR
- Fixes an issue where Dashboard throws error if
is not provided (for example in incognito mode)
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This pull request is stale because it has been open 14 days with no activity.
This PR request has been closed because it has been stalled for 2 days with no activity. You are still welcome to reopen it and continue from where you finished. Best regards Saleor team