bootstrap-genesis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-genesis copied to clipboard

Cleanup Nav Filters

Open bryanwillis opened this issue 9 years ago • 8 comments

This gives us a lot more freedom to edit/remove the menus individually.

bryanwillis avatar Jan 27 '16 21:01 bryanwillis

Any thought on this?

Here's an even more advanced example... I can honestly say that this has made things so much easier when editing the menu as each menu is completely customizable individually?

 * Bootstrap Nav Markup
add_filter('genesis_do_nav', 'genesis_child_nav', 10, 3);
add_filter('genesis_do_subnav', 'genesis_child_nav', 10, 3);
function genesis_child_nav($nav_output, $nav, $args)
    $args['depth'] = 2;
    $args['menu_class'] = 'nav navbar-nav';
    $args['fallback_cb'] = 'wp_bootstrap_navwalker::fallback';
    $args['walker'] = new wp_bootstrap_navwalker();

    $nav = wp_nav_menu($args);
    $sanitized_location = sanitize_key($args['theme_location']);
    $data_target = 'nav-collapse-' . $sanitized_location;

    $nav_markup = <<<EOT
        <div class="navbar-header">
          <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#{$data_target}">
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    $nav_markup.= apply_filters("bsg_navbar_brand_{$sanitized_location}", $navbar_brand);
    $nav_markup.= '</div>'; // .navbar-header

    $nav_markup.= '<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="' . $data_target . '">';

    do_action('before_nav_' . $sanitized_location);
    $before_nav = ob_get_clean();

    do_action('after_nav_' . $sanitized_location);
    $after_nav = ob_get_clean();

    $nav_markup.= $before_nav . $nav . $after_nav;

    $nav_markup.= '</div>'; // .collapse .navbar-collapse

    $nav_markup_open = sprintf('<nav %s>', genesis_attr('nav-' . $sanitized_location));
    $nav_markup_open.= genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'open', 0);
    $nav_markup_close = genesis_structural_wrap('menu-' . $sanitized_location, 'close', 0) . '</nav>';

    $nav_output = $nav_markup_open . $nav_markup . $nav_markup_close;
    return $nav_output;

Then I also have these helper functions:

 * Filter genesis_attr_structural-wrap to use BS .container-fluid classes
add_filter( 'genesis_attr_structural-wrap', 'bsg_attributes_structural_wrap' );
function bsg_attributes_structural_wrap( $attributes ) {
    $attributes['class'] = 'container';
    return $attributes;
 * Add structural-wrap replacement utility function to use 
 * Bootstrap responsive .container class
 * Useage: add_filter( 'genesis_structural_wrap-{$context}', 'bsg_wrap_container_fluid');
function bsg_wrap_container_fluid( $output, $original_output ) {
    if ( $original_output == 'open' ) {
        $output = sprintf( '<div %s>', genesis_attr( 'container-fluid' ) );
    return $output;
 * Helper function to easily change the nav menu location 
function child_bsg_navbar_right( $nav_output, $nav ) {
    $nav_output = str_replace( 'nav navbar-nav', 'nav navbar-nav navbar-right', $nav_output );
    return $nav_output;

bryanwillis avatar Mar 07 '16 02:03 bryanwillis

Here's some examples possible with all this:

Change primary menu container to container-fluid:

add_filter( 'genesis_structural_wrap-menu-primary', 'tbg3_wrap_container_fluid', 99, 2);

Move submenu to the right side:

add_filter( 'genesis_do_subnav', 'child_bsg_navbar_right', 10, 2 );

Add the search form after the primary menu:

add_action('after_nav_menu-primary', function() { get_search_form(); });

Add to secondary brand area

add_filter('bsg_navbar_brand_menu-secondary', function() {


bryanwillis avatar Mar 07 '16 02:03 bryanwillis

I'm still wrapping my head around this code but a couple of quick notes so I don't need to remember them for later.

PHP Warning

I'm getting the warning

call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'bsg_nav_menu' not found or invalid function name

Menus are Disappearing

When I switch to this branch, my menus disappear.

salcode avatar Mar 07 '16 21:03 salcode

Looking at the Genesis code in lib/functions/menu.php, it looks like the filters genesis_do_nav and genesis_do_subnav are still in place for backwards compatibility. So instead it looks like we should be using the filter hooks that come from 'genesis_' . $sanitized_location . '_nav'.

salcode avatar Mar 07 '16 21:03 salcode

I believe the Bootstrap nav only supports a depth of 2.

So, I think we should change this value from 3 to 2.

$args['depth'] = 3;

salcode avatar Mar 22 '16 17:03 salcode

Sorry about that Sal. I added a third level to my menus a while back, but didn't include that code since it wasn't part of bootstrap core and I forgot to change it back when I proposed that change.

Anyway, for reference and for anyone who would like to use three level menus with this all you need to do is change the 2 to 3 and then drop this in your functions.php (technically these should be included using wp_enqueue_scripts so compiling within theme scripts/styles is preferred since the code is dependent on bs nav javascript and jquery).

add_action('wp_head', 'bsg_multilevel_dropdown_menu_css', 999);
function bsg_multilevel_dropdown_menu_css() {
    echo '<style>ul.dropdown-menu .caret{display:inline-block;width:0;height:0;margin-left:2px;vertical-align:middle;border-left:4px solid;border-right:4px solid transparent;border-top:4px solid transparent;border-bottom:4px solid transparent}@media (max-width:767px){ul.dropdown-menu .caret{display:inline-block;width:0;height:0;margin-left:2px;vertical-align:middle;border-top:4px solid;border-right:4px solid transparent;border-left:4px solid transparent}}ul.dropdown-menu ul.dropdown-menu{top:0;left:100%}</style>';

add_action('wp_footer', 'bsg_multilevel_dropdown_menu_js', 999);
function bsg_multilevel_dropdown_menu(){
    echo '<script>!function(n){"use strict";n(function(){n("ul.dropdown-menu .dropdown>a").on("click",function(o){o.preventDefault(),o.stopPropagation();var t=n(this).parent();t.parent().find("li.dropdown").not(n(this).parent()).removeClass("open"),t.toggleClass("open")}),n("ul.navbar-nav a.dropdown-toggle").on("click",function(o){var t=n(this).parent();t.parent().find("li.dropdown").not(n(this).parent()).removeClass("open")})})}(jQuery);</script>'; 

And here's link to uncompressed js/css for those who want to include it other ways.

bryanwillis avatar Mar 22 '16 20:03 bryanwillis


Cool, thanks for sharing this.

salcode avatar Mar 22 '16 20:03 salcode

With this code change I am seeing some differences in the output nav code.

For Example

Old Output

<ul id="menu-testing-menu" class="nav navbar-nav"><li id="menu-item-1355" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1355"><a title="About" href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">About</span></a></li>

New Output

<ul id="menu-testing-menu-1" class="nav navbar-nav"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1355"><a title="About" href="" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">About</span></a></li>

Is this a problem?

I don't think these changes are a problem but I wanted to make note and look at them more deeply before merging. You can see the work I'm doing with this PR on the branch

salcode avatar Apr 07 '16 20:04 salcode