Benjamin Hill
Benjamin Hill
This is true for many images, but people get frustrated and then scribble out their drawing. (try "tiger" for example.) It would be nice to cull out the ones where...
I'd like to have the minimal amount possible. Can goldeneye be used without a preview? ```kotlin val bitmap = goldenEye.availableCameras.find { it.facing == Facing.BACK }!!.takePicture() ```
I'd like to create a "slow zoom to center of photo" BufferedImage sequence, and I *think* this library can do it without using external hacks, but when I tried, it...
The system should gracefully ignore data in a column with no header value.
This is an issue in the Gantt rendering widget, but could possibly be checked for in the ezgantt script (because the rendering widget does not give good advice on how...
Trying the sample on a barebones fresh Ubuntu Server install. ```bash python scripts/ --prompt "a happy bear reading a newspaper, oil on canvas" ``` results in `Segmentation fault (core dumped)`...
I'm attempting to run the demo on a machine that doesn't have a CUDA compatible GPU. I got as far as the sample command: `python scripts/ --prompt "a virus monster...
Would it be easy to integrate Java 7's java.nio.file.FileSystem with net.fusejna.FuseFilesystem? Some other projects are leveraging the FileSystem standard (like May be as simple as a delegating wrapping class?
I tried a brute force approach a year ago (and pre interest in DL) * * ... but yours seems much better. Can you run yours against a...
I saw in the features that it does a MD5 of the start of the file, then continues on to the full comparison. Is there any way to see the...