Saket Choudhary

Results 73 comments of Saket Choudhary

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen if you are still facing issues.

No issues after merging so closing this. Thanks @exaexa!

This should be fixed if you update your SeuratObject. Feel free to reopen if you are still facing issues.

Thanks @z5ouyang - Can you share your code so that I can try to reproduce? thanks!

Can you provide the full code you are running with `sessionInfo()`?

thanks for sharing the script, it is however difficult for me to see what is going on without access to the object. Can you please provide minimal code to reproduce...

Sorry, I cannot debug this with the information you have provided. I would need the object and minimum set of code to reproduce this. Which step does this error occur?

Your line 174 is `genes.use = min.cells)])` I will need 1) the object 2) minimal code to reproduce this - the easiest would be to save the object (post preprocessing)...

hi @whygee1245, the Rdata file you emailed me is 0 bytes. Can you please send me a '.rds` object (`saveRDS()`) and also tell me what code should I run so...

This is now fixed in the develop branch.