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SAK-47419 assignments: add display in gradebook option
@csev Could you possibly pull this branch and run your plus tests over it? Or .. maybe just point me at docs and I could try that.
@ern the only worrying part about this PR, for me, is that I've swapped the grading item title for its Long id in the assignments properties. So, lookup is done by GB_GRADABLE_OBJECT_T.ID rather than fuzzy matching on the title. Obviously, this will incur a db conversion where we will need to match assignment titles and gradable object names and then push the gradable object id into the assignment properties table.
I've updated this PR significantly. The most significant change is the use of a new property, prop_gradebook_assignment_id, to hold the long GradebookAssignment id. There are now no further properties around maintenance of the gradebook association. So, the assignment knows about the gradebook assignment via this property. The grading service know about the controlling entity via the external_id column, same as before. That column holds the assignment reference, as before. What I've not done is go the whole hog and add a grading item reference in that assignments property column. It was just too much work to do properly and it seems like overkill here. We have a property row called prop_gradebook_assignment_id with the GradebookAssignment id. If we want a reference at some point we will be able to factor one from that id.
@adrianfish - Eager for this fix to make its way to 23.x, I tested your branch within my dev environment-- though I had to work around a compile error now extant with line 683 in where a reference to assignmentToolUtils lingers.
One bug emerged during my testing: The assertion of 'Display released grades in the Gradebook' as checked does not save with 'Save Draft'. When viewing the draft assignment again, the checkbox is unchecked.
A more serious bug seems pertains to the legacy grader. The green banner declares: "Comments and/or grade have been saved." But neither grades nor comments are saved with either Save button. The status of the submission remains "Ungraded".
Adrian and I have discussed this and this approach and have decided on a more modern solution, where gradebook can store external grades that are not computed as part of gradebook (simple grade storage).