Core-Adapter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Core-Adapter copied to clipboard

Support Any Type of items in recyclerview


Support Any Type of items in recyclerview with no pain

add to project:

compile 'ir.coderz.coreadapter:Core-Adapter:0.1.9@aar'


0. ViewHolders are normal:

public class TextHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

    private TextView textView;

    public TextHolder(View itemView) {
        textView = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(;

    public TextView getTextView() {
        return textView;

1. Items must implement CoreItem<YOUR_VIEW_HOLDER,YOUR_DATA_MODEL>

public class TextItem implements CoreItem<TextHolder, String> {

    public void bind(TextHolder textHolder) {
        // This is the onbind method used to be inside adapter
        textHolder.getTextView().setText(textHolder.getAdapterPosition() + "");

    public int getLayout() {
        // You must return the related layout
        return R.layout.text_item;

    public String getData() {
        // you might need the data! so return it here :)
        return textHolder.getAdapterPosition() + "";

2. Use CoreAdapter for Recyclerviews adapter

CoreAdapter coreAdapter = new CoreAdapter();

3. what layout for what viewholder?

coreAdapter.putViewType(R.layout.YOUR_LAYOUT, YOUR_HOLDER.class);

4. Fill the adapter by core items:

coreAdapter.addItem(new TextItem());