discord-js-bot copied to clipboard
say command?
const { EmbedBuilder, ApplicationCommandOptionType, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, ComponentType, } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = { name: "say", description: "Says a message as the bot to a channel you choose", category: "ADMIN", botPermissions: ["SendMessages"], userPermissions: ["ManageMessages"], slashCommand: { enabled: true, ephemeral: true, description: "Says a message as the bot to a channel you choose", options: [ { name: "message", description: "The message to be sent.", type: 3, required: true, }, { name: "channel", description: "The channel where the message will be sent.", type: 7, required: false, }, { name: "message_id", description: "The ID of the message to edit or reply to.", type: 3, required: false, }, { name: "edit", description: "Whether to edit the message specified by message_id instead of sending a new message.", type: 5, required: false, }, { name: "ping", description: "Whether to ping everyone in the channel after sending the message.", type: 5, required: false, }, ], }, async execute(interaction) { const { options } = interaction;
// Retrieve the message content const message = options.getString("message").replace(/\n/g, '\n');
// Retrieve the channel where the message will be sent const channel = options.getChannel("channel") || interaction.channel;
// Retrieve the message ID to edit or reply to const message_id = options.getString("message_id");
// Retrieve whether to edit the message specified by message_id const edit = options.getBoolean("edit");
// Retrieve whether to ping everyone in the channel after sending the message const ping = options.getBoolean("ping");
try { // If a message ID is provided, retrieve the message and edit or reply to it if (message_id) { const replyMessage = await channel.messages.fetch(message_id).catch(() => null);
if (!replyMessage) {
await interaction.followUp({ content: "Invalid message ID.", ephemeral: true });
if (edit) {
await replyMessage.edit(message);
} else {
await replyMessage.reply({ content: `${message}\n${ping ? "@everyone" : ""}`, allowedMentions: { parse: ["everyone", "roles", "users"] } });
// Send the final reply
await interaction.followUp({ content: edit ? "Message edited" : "Message sent", ephemeral: true });
} else {
// If no message ID is provided, send a new message
const taggedChannel = options.getChannel("channel");
if (taggedChannel) { await taggedChannel.send({ content: message, allowedMentions: { parse: ["everyone", "roles", "users"] } }); if (ping) { setTimeout(async () => { await taggedChannel.send({ content: "@everyone", allowedMentions: { parse: ["everyone", "roles", "users"] } }); }, 2000); // wait 2 seconds before sending the second message } } else { await interaction.channel.send({ content: message, allowedMentions: { parse: ["everyone", "roles", "users"] } }); if (ping) { setTimeout(async () => { await interaction.channel.send({ content: "@everyone", allowedMentions: { parse: ["everyone", "roles", "users"] } }); }, 2000); // wait 2 seconds before sending the second message } }
// Send the final reply
await interaction.followUp({ content: "Message sent", ephemeral: true });
} catch (error) { console.error(error); await interaction.followUp({ content: "An error occurred while processing this command.", ephemeral: true }); } },
async messageRun(message, args, data) {
const replyEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Command Deprecated")
.setDescription("Please use the slash command instead.\n\nUsage: /say
return message.reply({ embeds: [replyEmbed], ephemeral: true }); },
async interactionRun(interaction) { await this.execute(interaction); }, };