FaceNet-Real-Time-face-recognition copied to clipboard
My implementation for face recognition using FaceNet model and Triplet Loss. I like to implement different deep learning models architectures. I also like to read about applications and implementations of deep learning models. I have typed this code in my free time as a self learning exercise. So, if you run into some performane issue, i am not an expert , i won't be able to help you. I also don't have hardware to extensively test a heavy model like FaceNet. So, hyperparameters are not tuned at all. Only thing I can assure you is that this implementation works.
- python 3.6
- tensorflow v1.11
- keras
- openCV
- Create a dataset of faces for each person and arrange them in below order.
root folder
└───Person 1
│ │───IMG1
│ │───IMG2
│ │ ....
└───Person 2
| │───IMG1
| │───IMG2
| | ....
- Use
to prepare our dataset for training. Run the following command:
python align_dataset_mtcnn.py ./YOUR_DIRECTIORY_CONTAINING_DATA ./cropped
to train the model. Make changes (if you want) inparameters.py
to adjust training parameters. -
to recognize faces in real time. Note- Our dataset must have some images for this script to work.
Known issues/limitations:
- The dataset must contain the images of atleast two different people to train the model. You can define your own generator function to train it for single person
- Generator function might be slow when dataset has images of fewer number of people.
- Code needs some refactoring.
It is not state of the art technique. So, dont't expect much from it.
Model is trained using triplet loss. According to experiments it is recommended to chose
images carefully/manually for better results. Here I used a generator which selects images forpositive
randomly (I'm Lazy af). To know more about this I recommend you to watch this video.
- FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering : https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.03832.
- Deepface paper https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~ranzato/publications/taigman_cvpr14.pdf.
- deeplearning.ai 's assignments.
- https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet