node-backbone-couch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-backbone-couch copied to clipboard

node-backbone-couch is a node.js module designed to replace the default Backbone.sync by persisting to a couchdb database.

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node-backbone-couch is a node.js module designed to replace the default Backbone.sync with persistance to a couchdb database.

i.e. It is designed to be used when using Backbone.js on the server side with node.

Uses cradle to handle interfacing with couchdb.


npm install node-backbone-couch


var Backbone = require('backbone')
,   BackboneCouch = require('backbone-couch').sync(Backbone);

//Set the db_name otherwise it defaults to 'backbone_couch'
BackboneCouch.db_name = 'couchfoo';

//Set the couchdb connection data if distinct from default
BackboneCouch.connection_data = {
        host: ''
        , port: 5984
        , options: { //Cradle-specific options
            cache: true
          , raw: false

//Define your Backbone models/collections
var User = Backbone.Model.extend({})
,  	UsersCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({view_name: 'users/all', model: User});

Creating models (POST)

//Call save on a newly instantiated Backbone model
var drfoo = new User({first_name: 'Baz', last_name: 'Foo', prefix: 'Dr'});

function onCreate(model, response) {
  //Do something with your model (e.g. render it, redirect etc)
};, {success: onCreate});

Let's see what happened under the couch: - - 'HEAD' /couchfoo/? 404 - - 'POST' /couch_foo/? 201 - - 'PUT' /couch_foo/28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc8001245? 201

node-backbone-couch will kindly create a couchdb database if one does not exist with the name supplied by the 'db_name' property.

It then proceeds to create a document, within that database, describing the drfoo User.

Fetching models (GET)

//Call save on a newly instantiated Backbone model
var drfoo = new User({id: '28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc8001245'});

function onFetch(model, response) {
  //Should no be populated with attributes from the couch

drfoo.fetch(false, {success: onFetch}); - - 'GET' /couch_foo/28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc8001245? 201

Updating models (POST)


drfoo.set({specialization: 'Geriatrics'})

function onUpdate(model, response) {
  //Do something with your model (e.g. render it, redirect etc)
};, {success: onUpdate});

Let's see what happened under the couch: - - 'PUT' /couch_foo/28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc8001245? 201

Destroying models (DELETE)

function onDestroy(model, response) {
  //Remove element from DOM?

drfoo.destroy(false, {success: onDestroy}); - - 'DELETE' /couch_foo/28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc80038c8?rev=1-e39294ca76f39e1aebc8261d7e3afa7b 200


//UsersCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({view_name: 'users/all', model: User});


//Save the model to persist the association with the collection;

function onFetch(model, response) {
  //Loop through collection models

UsersCollection.fetch(false, {success: onFetch}); - - 'PUT' /couch_foo/28b215f7aca21b6bf1a784ffc80038c8 200 - - 'HEAD' /backbone_couch_test/_design/users/_view/all? 404 - - 'PUT' /backbone_couch_test/_design/users? 201 - - 'GET' /backbone_couch_test/_design/users/_view/all? 200

Again backbone-couch has made our life easy and gone ahead and created a basic view (which will emit all documents whose collection attribute is 'users') for us and then populated the collection with models from the results returned by the view.

Note: By changing the 'view_name' property you can back collections with different views.

You can pass any view parameters via a 'view_opts' key in the 'options' argument e.g.

Fruit = Backbone.Collection.extend({view_name: 'fruit/by_fruit_name', model: Fruit});

Fruit.add([oranges, lemons]);

function onFetch(model, response) {
  //Loop through collection models

Fruit.fetch(false, {success: onFetch, view_opts: {key: 'lemons'}});