same issue but with this node library: https://github.com/zoeyg/binance try to open order: symbol: 'BNBBTC', side: 'BUY', type: 'LIMIT', quantity: 1.184, price: 0.002356, timeInForce: 'GTC' got error: { code: -1013, msg:...
> am having the same problem with bnbusdt how can i solve it max digits for quantity for BNB is 2 so you need do ```order.quantity.toFixed(2)```
Please, enable option to not rely on axios in Node SDK. And add possibility to use ```fetch``` instead. For example Supabase Edge Functions throws ```XMLHTTPRequest is undefined``` error. Thx!
Yes! This looks like LESS string, not CSS =)
i manually setted `treeShake: false` and error disappeared. I don't know can this classified as bug. If you think not, close this issue.
``` { "name": "takeswap-frontend", "version": "1.0.0", "private": true, "scripts": { "dev": "nuxt", "build": "nuxt build", "start": "nuxt start", "generate": "nuxt generate" }, "dependencies": { "@nuxtjs/axios": "^5.13.1", "@nuxtjs/vuetify": "^1.11.3", "core-js": "^3.9.1",...