Sahil Shekhawat
Sahil Shekhawat
thanks Ondřej! :) and also i am having some problem if you can lend me some time it will be very helpful!topic/sympy/O1FJyh5bOZ0
I have now changed the code, it is passing the input string (without encoding) as GET parameter and SymPyGamma is again calculating the results. Now to the exporting to GIST,...
Oh! seems like i was worrying for no reason. But i had copied the output to the GIST saved it and then rendered it with NBVIEWER, there it was not...
Guess what! i have already done that, but that will cause an problem when there is a table like structure to be rendered as latex..for which the html tags are...
And that too didn't freed me from double backslashes
well, if mathjax is into script tags then it renders them anyway but after striping them we need to add $$ to the ends like you said to render it...
Thanks David, I have tried it and it is rendering correctly. :+1:
Now, i have to implement plotting into it and rendering the steps..
David, i copied all the json for the same input and then saved it gist..there it is rendering into nbviewer...
I have not yet completed including the output of 'cards' thats why most of the outputs are empty.