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Camera stops streaming in Home App after a few seconds.
Hey all, so here is the issue i am having.
I have 2 cameras, each set up and ready to go. they both work nearly perfectly outside of the issue where the cameras both stop streaming after a few seconds. ill go over the hardware/software
2 Wyze Cam V2 cameras running the latest DAFANG HACKS firmware,
Plug in is 1.5.1
HB is latest running on macOS Mojave 10.14.6
here is my config: "platform": "Dafang", "mqtt": { "hostBroker": true, "port": 1883, "debug": false, "mongoUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/homebridge-dafang" }, "cameras": [ { "cameraName": "Family Room Dafang", "cameraRTSPStreamUrl": "rtsp://NOTFORU/unicast", "mqttTopic": "Family Room/Family Room Dafang/#", "folder": "SUPERSECRET", "accessories": [ { "name": "Motion Sensor", "type": "richMotionSensor", "threshold": 10000 }, { "name": "Motion Detection Switch", "type": "motionDetection" }, { "name": "Night Vision Switch", "type": "nightVisionSwitch" }, { "name": "FR Auto Night Vision Switch", "type": "autoNightVisionSwitch" }, { "name": "Record Video", "type": "recordVideo" }, { "name": "Capture Image", "type": "captureImage" }, { "name": "Reset Streaming", "type": "resetFFMPEG" } ], "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://NOPEEKINunicast", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://ISAIDNOPEEKIN/unicast -vframes 1 -r 1", "maxStreams": 5, "maxWidth": 1280, "maxHeight": 720, "maxFPS": 15, "maxBitrate": 300, "packetSize": 1128, "debug": true, "audio": true } }, { "cameraName": "Office Camera Dafang", "cameraRTSPStreamUrl": "rtsp://NOU/unicast", "mqttTopic": "Office/Office Camera Dafang/#", "folder": "AGAINNOTFORU", "accessories": [ { "name": "Office Dafang Motion", "type": "richMotionSensor", "threshold": 10000 }, { "name": "OF Motion Detection Switch", "type": "motionDetection" }, { "name": "OF Night Vision Switch", "type": "nightVisionSwitch" }, { "name": "OF Auto Night Vision Switch", "type": "autoNightVisionSwitch" }, { "name": "OF Record Video", "type": "recordVideo" }, { "name": "OF Capture Image", "type": "captureImage" } ], "videoConfig": { "source": "-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://NOU/unicast", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://YUDODIS/unicast -vframes 1 -r 1", "maxStreams": 5, "maxWidth": 1280, "maxHeight": 720, "maxFPS": 15, "maxBitrate": 300, "packetSize": 1128, "debug": true, "audio": true } } ]
if needs be, you can reference the issue in this video i uploaded https://share.icloud.com/photos/0sSFiKXEWJBxQxJY71PFD4Q6Q
it should more accurately illustrate the issue i am having. there doesnt seem to be any information found in the FFMPEG debug option in Homebridge-dafang, so i wont be posting that.
Hi, have you resolved your problem. I have same behaviour here. It works on home.app on OSX but not on iOS. Still image works on both.
@afbenevides , unfortunately, i have unable to solve the issue myself :(