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what to do after fang-hack is installed?
i have the xiaofang 1s with arm chip fang-hack is successfully installed and rtsp stream works (checked with vlc)
now what do i do?
i just cant figure out how to install mqtt, im very new to all this linux commands. if i understand it correctly, ill be installing mqtt on my raspberry pi(thats where my homebridge is installed), and my xiaofang cam is good as it is now?
Did you get anywhere with this? My next step is the MQTT stuff and I'm a bit stuck
Check this out https://github.com/sahilchaddha/homebridge-dafang/blob/master/Setup_MQTT.md Let me know if you face any other issue
Hint: if you want the broadest compatibility with MQTT configs in various plugins, create a password file as described in the article, but also put "allow_anonymous true" in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf. This will allow both authenticated and anonymous connections.