Sahil Khanna
Sahil Khanna
Getting Hyperledger.Indy.IOException: An IO error occurred. while running Mobile Agent in Android 10
@anji22 check this
Getting Hyperledger.Indy.IOException: An IO error occurred. while running Mobile Agent in Android 10
@anji22, you may close this issue if it's resolved.
Getting Hyperledger.Indy.IOException: An IO error occurred. while running Mobile Agent in Android 10
@matrwolff33 , you may refer to this
Where is documentation of Aries dotnet NuGet or library methods and Features to use In dot core app.
Not really helpful, but one can refer to the test scripts to understand the workflow and functionality of the features. E.g. **Credentials related features**:
Hi, The Postgres Plugin doesn't work in a Linux Docker Conatiner with the [DotNet Mediator Agent]( The same thing works fine on my MacOS - I built a project on...
@DibbsZA Tried the below based on your suggestion. However, getting the same error. **Use the attached Dockerfile to** - Create an image using Ubuntu - Install .Net 3.1 and the...
> @sahil-khanna We run the mediator in Linux with no issues. A difference I note from your comments is that we don't use the .dylib at all. just the .so...
> Have you checked that rasa runs? What do you have if you call that IP address from your browser? If I call the IP address along with the port...
> The docs don't say it, but .botfront/botfront.yml needs to be updated for the BF_URL variable. If you're running Docker for Mac or Windows, it should be `http://host.docker.internal:3000/graphql`. Thanks, @pheel...
> That isn't an error, that's just the API waiting for ES to start up. What do the Elasticsearch logs say? Below is the error log that I get in...