SAHB.GraphQLClient copied to clipboard
How do i pass multiple arguments to the same Query ?
This is the graphQL endpoint that i am querying -
and here is my query -
query A{ Media(id:1, season: SPRING){ id title { romaji english native userPreferred } seasonYear seasonInt season } }
I am trying to query the same using the SAHB GraphQL Client in .Net Fromework. Here is my code that i am using to call that query - GraphQLQueryArgument[] arguments = new GraphQLQueryArgument[] { new GraphQLQueryArgument("id", 1), new GraphQLQueryArgument("season","SPRING"), };
IGraphQLHttpClient client = GraphQLHttpClient.Default(); var filmResponse = await client.Query < MediaQuery > ("", arguments: arguments); Console.WriteLine(filmResponse.Result.Media.seasonYear); Console.ReadKey();
And here are my classes -
class MediaQuery { [GraphQLArguments("id", "ID!", "id")] [GraphQLArguments("season", "String", "season")] public Media Media { get; set; } }
class Media
public string seasonYear { get; set; }
public string season { get; set; }
I am trying to pass both the arguments as attributes. I keep getting the error - "One or more errors occurred." Inner Exception : Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
Am i missing something here ? how can we pass multiple arguments ?
Please help.
Thanks, Surya
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
This suggests is returning a HTML page (the GraphiQL environment). Running a test query shows that your endpoint might actually be