Thanks for the contribution @haaakon and sorry for the belated response on this one. This should be addressed by the current readme, which got updated a few times since your...
@dcsan I'll close this one for now due to inactivity but feel free to reopen if still relevant.
Closing this for now. Feel free to reopen if still relevant.
@tealnshack have you tried running `pip install -U flask-cors`?
@perplexedyawdie sorry to have missed this PR and thanks for the contribution! Have you tested it locally? Still ready to be merged?
@quacrobat yep, done
@quacrobat let me know if this PR works and I can merge to main so everyone can run this as a Docker
Can you attach the console log (a screenshot would do) + a screen recording?
Thanks for flagging @samueldashadrach. I've just pinged the Monster API folks.
Looks good @chrismbirmingham. Any reason you've added a new folder with a separate `requirements.txt` file and environment? Looking forward to tinkering with it.