Stephen M. Coakley

Results 51 issues of Stephen M. Coakley

With #116 merged, `ResponseFuture` is now implemented using a box which is not the most ideal. The purpose of `ResponseFuture` is to give a stable API to users regardless of...


An initial implementation of request metrics has been delivered for #47, but there are a few other things we could do to enhance the API: - [ ] Distinguish time...


This is an issue to remind myself to set up documentation on how to use stuff :P.

Every good library needs a complete suite of tests. The goal is at least 70% coverage. Test coverage and results can be viewed on [Scrutinizer](

up for grabs

Pipes are also useful in synchronous applications, which could also benefit from our performant rotating buffer implementation. There's no technical reason why the existing `PipeReader` and `PipeWriter` types couldn't implement...

Disable default features in `futures-lite` which require several dependencies that are actually unnecessary for the very few things we use from it. Re-implement these few features instead.

_(Please forgive me for the wall of text. It is an interesting read, I promise.)_ I am currently investigating into using this crate in a multithreaded manner. In order to...


I'd like to sync my styles across machines, but would rather not use Google Drive for this purpose. Firefox and Chrome both now offer built-in mechanisms that allow extensions to...

I've been working on an alternate implementation to be compliant with the AppImage type 2 spec using Zip as the image file system (, but now I realize there is...