Wobbly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Wobbly copied to clipboard

(Animate CSS) animations for iOS. An easy to use library of iOS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.


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See Wobbly in action (examples)

Add a drop of honey 🍯 to your project

wobbly has a bunch of cool, fun, and easy to use iOS animations for you to use in your projects. Animation types taken from Animate CSS (Animate CSS for iOS 👻)


wobbly is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'wobbly'


To use wobbly in your, simply install it through cocoapods or drag and drop the wobbly folder into your project, and simply call the type of animation you want on any type of view. Yea just one step to use 👻







To animate an element, add the class animated to an element. You can include the class infinite for an infinite loop. Finally you need to add one of the following classes to the element (This has all the Animate CSS animations )

Class Name
bounce flash pulse rubberBand
shake headShake swing tada
wobble jello bounceIn bounceInDown
bounceInLeft bounceInRight bounceInUp bounceOut
bounceOutDown bounceOutLeft bounceOutRight bounceOutUp
fadeIn fadeInDown fadeInDownBig fadeInLeft
fadeInLeftBig fadeInRight fadeInRightBig fadeInUp
fadeInUpBig fadeOut fadeOutDown fadeOutDownBig
fadeOutLeft fadeOutLeftBig fadeOutRight fadeOutRightBig
fadeOutUp fadeOutUpBig flipInUp flipInDown
flip flipInRight lightSpeedIn lightSpeedOut
rotateIn rotateInDownLeft rotateInDownRight rotateInUpLeft
rotateInUpRight rotateOut rotateOutDownLeft rotateOutDownRight
rotateOutUpLeft rotateOutUpRight hinge jackInTheBox
rollIn rollOut zoomIn zoomInDown
zoomInLeft zoomInRight zoomInUp zoomOut
zoomOutDown zoomOutLeft zoomOutRight zoomOutUp
slideInDown slideInLeft slideInRight slideInUp
slideOutDown slideOutLeft slideOutRight slideOutUp


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



sagaya, [email protected]


Pull requests are the way to go here. We only have two rules for submitting a pull request: match the naming convention (camelCase, categorised [fades, bounces, etc])


wobbly is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.