react-elastic-carousel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-elastic-carousel copied to clipboard

Bug in importing {consts} in typescript

Open Kartik-989 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Describe the bug

import {consts} from 'react-elastic-carousel'; This is not working in typescript files. I have file with .js then imoprt is working and in .tsx it gives error

Error is: Module '"react-elastic-carousel"' has no exported member 'consts'. Did you mean to use 'import consts from "react-elastic-carousel"' instead?

Sandbox link Please provide a link to a codesandbox with the reproduced bug

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Kartik-989 avatar Jun 14 '22 13:06 Kartik-989

I've forked a version of this and added TS/React 18 support:

Hopefully, this helps :-)

itseasy21 avatar Aug 13 '22 02:08 itseasy21

@itseasy21 Hi, I installed your forked version 0.12.2 to my project and found a bug. When I want to swipe to the right, everything swipes to the left firstly and also otherwise. Could you please fix this ?:) Adding working sandbox with v0.12.2:

MiroKopecky avatar Aug 29 '22 14:08 MiroKopecky

@itseasy21 Hi, I installed your forked version 0.12.2 to my project and found a bug. When I want to swipe to the right, everything swipes to the left firstly and also otherwise. Could you please fix this ?:) Adding working sandbox with v0.12.2:

MiroKopecky avatar Sep 12 '22 12:09 MiroKopecky

@MiroKopecky apologies missed the issue over here. Maybe try to set enableSwipe on breakpoint with width 1 and see if that fixes the issue?

const breakPoints = [
  { width: 1, itemsToShow: 1, enableSwipe: true },
  { width: 408, itemsToShow: 3, itemsToScroll: 0 }

Also, if you have another fix, happy to take a PR on

itseasy21 avatar Sep 21 '22 02:09 itseasy21

@itseasy21 thanks for the answer but unfortunately that didnt help. What's odd is that is works on older versions just fine (in sandbox; in my project I receive different error (some react swipeable) so I thought it would be easier to fix this package). I havent figured it out myself neither:/

MiroKopecky avatar Sep 21 '22 07:09 MiroKopecky

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stale[bot] avatar Nov 22 '22 20:11 stale[bot]