(Sorry for discussing in Japanese. **We'll ask jaquadro to merge after discussing.**) [falsecrossさんからのプルリク](が事前に上がっていたようなので、解釈が合わない点はそちらにコメントする形にしたら良いのではないかと思ったのですがいかがでしょうか(私もたまたま自分でフォークしていざプルリクしようとして気がつきました)
I'd like to help for this issue but how can I test for my code? I think I need crowdin API key for development.
I noticed I can generate crowdin API key by myself. Now I'm updating some code for crowdin API v2 with the test by my API key. But some API endpoints...
It is still in the middle but I updated some code into using crowdin api v2. I'll update the rest of code and test some. After that I'll create...
I guess each editor uses `{host}/api/translations` API and this API uses crowdin API internally. And now this API doesn't work well. We should check whether crowdin API which is used...
I noticed I can generate crowdin API key by myself. I generated my key and made some tests. I found the locale of "ja-hira" edited into upper case "ja-HIRA" but...
I found it works well with query string `translate=1`. With query string `translate=1`, crowdin JIPT is used, I guess.
I hope the field will be added as tranaslatable.
Other icons are also missed. semantic.js CDN URL in is different from that in editors page. (Not sure if it's related)
@kimprice Could you let me know how I can serve MakeCode docs? I guess I can't by `pxt serve`.