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A tiny library to enable you work with PouchDB in a Vuejs app. It syncs with remote CouchDB too :-)


A tiny library to enable you work with PouchDB in a Vuejs app. It syncs with remote CouchDB too :-)


Installing Vuepouch is as easy as including it in your html script tag. Being that it is a vuejs mixin it has a dependancy on vuejs. So dont forget to include that.

<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src="vuepouch.js"></script>


Vuepouch by default gets auto installed when you include it in your html. You dont have to to Vue.use(vuepouch).

var app = new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  pouchdb: {
    uber: {
      localDB: "uber",
      remoteURL: ""
  computed: {
    drivers () {
      return this.uber.drivers
    passengers () {
      return this.uber.passengers

Adding data

methods: {
  addDriver () {
    this.$pouchdbRefs.uber.put('drivers',/*your data*/)
  addPassenger () {
    this.$pouchdbRefs.uber.put('passengers', /*your data*/)

Deleting data

this.$pouchdbRefs.uber.remove(/*your data*/)

Updating data

this.$pouchdbRefs.uber.update(/*your data*/)

Displaying data in your html

<div id="app">
    <li v-for="driver in drivers">{{}}</li>