crfasrnn_keras copied to clipboard
An illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encountered
Tensorflow 1.11.0 Cuda 9.0 Python 2.7.15 GTX 1060, 396 driver Happens after run python demo. CPU version works well
an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encounteredCuda kernel failed. Error: an illegal memory access was encounteredan illegal memory access was encountered2018-11-06 02:40:13.266582: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Could not create cudnn handle: CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR
I added this to before main function, and it starts work
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.7
I added this to before main function, and it starts work
import tensorflow as tf from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.7 set_session(tf.Session(config=config))
Did you train the CRF layer successfully? Would you share your training code? My email is [email protected]. Thanks.
@gyheart Have you got the training code? I have trying to train it with caffe,but something wrong with it,and I am going to train it with tensorflow,could you give me some advice?
@gyheart Have you got the training code? I have trying to train it with caffe,but something wrong with it,and I am going to train it with tensorflow,could you give me some advice?
No. I did't train it successfully in keras. If you get the code, please tell me. Thanks.