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Meteor 1.2 cartridge to run meteor applications on OpenShift

Run Meteor 1.2 on Red Hat's OpenShift PaaS

This git repository is a sample Meteor base cartidge with can be used with your Meteor application to run it on PaaS platform

The catridge would install NodeJS version 0.10.40

Step 0

  1. Create on Openshift account at
  2. Install rhc tools to manage your openshift account :

Step 1 - Get NodeJS v0.10.40 running on your openshift app

Create a new application mynodeapp in your openshift login control panel using the standard NodeJS 0.10 cartrige. You may choose to add auto-scaling while setting this up. Choosing autoscaling would add an HAProxy instance you your application.

Now clone the git URL available on your application page to your local system

git clone SOURCE_CODE_URL  mylocalnodeapp

Add this github meteor-openshift repository to mylocalnodeapp

cd mylocalnodeapp
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master

Check if the execution flag is set for scripts located inside the given folders:


Then commit and push the repo to OpenShift

git add --all
git commit -a -m 'nodejs'
git push

You should now have a NodeJs version 0.10.40 application running at:
( See env @ )

Check the URL and save the environment variables to a local file. You may need some of them if something goes wrong.

Step 2 Setup Mongo DB 3.0

On your application page go to the link "See the list of cartridges you can add", paste the URL below in "Install your own cartridge" textbox at the bottom of the page and click "Next".

Alternatively if you like to use another MongoDB database hosts like or You would need to update the meteorshim.js file as described in the next section with a MONGO_URL if you plan to use an external MongoDB host.

Step 3 Update env variables

Update the file meteorshim.js to use your own MONGO_URL env variable. MAIL_URL and other env variables may also be added as needed.

Step 4 Adding your Meteor App

Build your meteor app and un-bundle it into the mylocalnodeapp directory for pushing to OpenShift

The following steps need to be repeated each time you want to push an updated version of your meteor app to openshift. You may create a shell script for it in your meteor repo

Assuming your awesome meteor app repo is in dir mymeteorapp

cd mymeteorapp
meteor build tarball
cp tarball/mymeteorapp.tar.gz ~/path/to/mylocalnodeapp
rm tarball/mymeteorapp.tar.gz
cd ~/path/to/mylocalnodeapp

# for Mac or BSD-based
tar -xvf mymeteorapp.tar.gz -s '/^bundle//'

# for Linux, or using GNU tar
tar -xvf mymeteorapp.tar.gz --transform 's|^bundle/||'

rm mymeteorapp.tar.gz
git add --all
git commit -a -m 'meteor-openshift'
git push

After a lot of messages from the remote server, your awesome Meteor app should be finally running at

This repo has not been throughly tested, please report any issues or suggest improvements.