Ditto copied to clipboard
New Function - Visual Dashboard
Hi - I am starting to create an interactive dashboard using MATRIC ([https://matricapp.com/]) and a large android tablet to help with my productivity. I had an idea that on the home screen screen of my MATRIC dashboard I could show the ditto clipboard list. I use Ditto a LOT but never can keep track of clip position because I'm always copying something new.
I was thinking I could implement this via an api or something but don't seem to see that in Ditto. I noticed you use SQLLite but I doubt I can access that instance directly. So here are just some ideas on how I could accomplish this:
- API to read last 10 clips (or page x of each 10)
- Simple API to pass queries to SQLLite and return JSON
- Implement a "mini" web server to return something similar to the Ditto clip list.
- CLI command to return text of last 10 clips (or similar) - this might be easiest to implement at this point based on what you have already developed. For image data maybe just say "
" or if you know the name "<image: name>". Data ideally in JSON but will take anything as I can pipe it to a file. The command could be "Ditto.exe /Show(x,y)" where x is starting position and y is number of entries to show, or just "Ditto.exe /Show(x)" where x is starting position and it returns 10 entries. If people start using this I could also see a /ShowGroup function being helpful. I guess we do need the clip ID with it as well so that I can also programatically have someone choose the clip from Matric and use the "Ditto /Paste(id)" option.
Hopefully this piques your interest!!!
Another implementation concept - could this be implemented via a call using the "Friends" function?
I created a solution using nodejs and the friends feature. I'm not decrypting the friends info, but using that as a trigger to go get the last 10 clips from sqllite. I read through parts of the code for ditto to accomplish this and I must say this is a really impressive app in terms of all of the features. You guys are awesome!!!