Baikal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Baikal copied to clipboard

Fix for connecting to Baikal

Open larseggert opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

See and for details.

(I did not come up with this workaround - @Yannik did - but I can confirm that it made things work for me.)

larseggert avatar Jan 19 '21 12:01 larseggert

This fix also works for me. Maintainers, what do you think of it? @phil-davis

wetneb avatar Nov 12 '21 13:11 wetneb

I'm a bit worried that this might cause issues with other clients

ByteHamster avatar Nov 12 '21 19:11 ByteHamster

The link to the new help page is now

wetneb avatar Oct 25 '23 15:10 wetneb