discord.js-pagination copied to clipboard
Errors when sending message via DMs
The error occurs when you send a paginated message to a user via DMs. Since the bot doesn't have perms to delete messages, reaction.users.remove(msg.author)
and curPage.reactions.removeAll()
throw this error:
DiscordAPIError: Cannot execute action on a DM channel
I fixed the issue by:
- add
dispose: true
to the createReactionCollector() so it looks like
(reaction, user) => emojiList.includes(reaction.emoji.name) && !user.bot,
{ time: timeout, dispose: true }
- remove
from the collect listener - add a new listener for remove, and execute the same code from the collect listener
const managePageChange = (reaction) => {
switch (reaction.emoji.name) {
case emojiList[0]:
page = page > 0 ? --page : pages.length - 1;
case emojiList[1]:
page = page + 1 < pages.length ? ++page : 0;
curPage.edit(pages[page].setFooter(\`Page ${page + 1} / ${pages.length}\`));
reactionCollector.on('collect', reaction => {
reactionCollector.on('remove', reaction => {
- in the end listener, check if channel type is dm, and deal with the timeout accordingly
if (!curPage.deleted) {
if (msg.channel.type !== 'dm') curPage.reactions.removeAll()
else curPage.edit(pages[page].setDescription(pages[page].description += '\`\`\`css\n[MESSAGE EXPIRED]\nResend command to view other pages\n\`\`\`'))
This accomplishes two things:
- When a user reacts/unreacts, both act as a next/previous page action. Instead of removing user reactions manually and only listening for reacts, listen for react and unreact
- For DMs, since you can't remove reactions, when the timeout occurs I edit the embed and add "Message Expired" to the end of the message.
I also changed msg
. I changed the params to accept a channel instead of a message, and wherever msg.channel
was used, I replaced it with channel
. If anyone has the same issue, feel free to make these changes.