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Open Source Button not redirecting to the Open Source Projects.
Describe the bug
Wheh click on the open source button in navbar is not redirecting to the big projects section
Steps to reproduce
- Go to Navbar
- Click on Open Source
- See error
Expected behavior
When click on the open source button then it should redirect to the big project section.
Is this responsiveness Issue
No response
- OS: [Windows 11]
- Browser: [ chrome]
- Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Additional context
No response
I am working on this issue please assign to me and add the label of hacktoberfest and hactoberfest-accepted
@mukulpythondev, Do the projects show on the website?
No but show the open source organisation
I am having the same bug in issue #655. please have a look @mukulpythondev
@mukulpythondev Clicking on open source project should take you to the open source project section right now - if you go to developerFolio you should be able to see this
Hi, I want to contribute on this issue.
can you assign this issue, currently I am working on this issue sir.