Facebook_Detectron2_Windows_10 copied to clipboard
No module named 'detectron2'
Hello Saad. I am trying to test this repo on my windows 10, and I am facing this issue.
2020-12-17 20:49:49.429230: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:59] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found
2020-12-17 20:49:49.477961: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cudart_stub.cc:29] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Gui.py", line 16, in
I have followed the step you said in Readme. Could you please help me how to resolve this error?
You haven't added the detectron2 build directory in site-packages of your python installation
means I have to clone detectron2 in the python Lib folder?
No copy the detectron2 build folder to site-packages of your python installation
I have tried this but I am facing this error. I have install pycocotools and visualcppbuild tools