ESP32-CAM_MJPEG2SD copied to clipboard
inbrowser flash ESP32-CAM
a test
inbrowser flash ESP32-CAM
do you want me to add a link to the video from the readme?
do you want me to add a link to the video from the readme?
its ok, no problem
Thanks for the link added backlink on bottom of page
maybe note that it is only for the ESP32-CAM with USB port shield ESP32-CAM-MB
maybe better on button reload data to have a message popup to confirm to replace /data htm and js for github versions now nothing is said to user
hostname might be changed so also mdns
No SD-Card Version Just Stream, No Record webserver files in LittleFS
Easy Flash Install from Browser
hello if i understand it right from code
reload /data reloads overwrtite webserver files on sd or littlefs from github /data content clear nvs clears dat from eeprom wifipassword?
wouldnt it be better to give user more info and cancel/confirm message
Your understanding is correct. I dont want to 'baby' users, they should read the code.
Your understanding is correct. I dont want to 'baby' users, they should read the code.
well some people wil not be interested in coding but wile like your application
added a title to the divs for some popup info
Your understanding is correct. I dont want to 'baby' users, they should read the code.
I didn't know that the data files are taken from github /data
If this is the case then there is no need to copy the /data files to the SDcard when I reflash the new version. Is that correct ?
if you have an internet connection they will be automatically downloaded
Your understanding is correct. I dont want to 'baby' users, they should read the code.
I didn't know that the data files are taken from github /data
If this is the case then there is no need to copy the /data files to the SDcard when I reflash the new version. Is that correct ?
you get a simpler wifi router config connect page when /data is not present
and files are downloaded
and on button reload /data => /data is deleted esp is rebooted and start downloading from github
web serial monitor output with clickable links for http://mdns http://IP
http://mdns http://IP are a bit hard to find in serial monitor output maybe better to use a different color for the links (web serial monitor supports color coding) or use blank lines to make the better wissible
i used an \n in serial write maybe i should use 2 \n\n
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400806b4
[03:42:57.588 logSetup] Setup RAM based log, size 7168, starting from 7154
[03:42:57.589 logSetup] =============== ESP-CAM_MJPEG 9.7 ===============
[03:42:57.599 WARN initBrownout] Brownout warning previously notified
[03:42:57.599 logSetup] Compiled with arduino-esp32 v2.0.14
[03:42:57.610 printResetReason] Software reset via esp_restart
[03:42:57.610 printWakeupReason] Wakeup by reset
[03:42:57.723 infoSD] SD card type SDHC, Size: 7.4GB
[03:42:57.723 listFolder] Sketch size 1.6MB
[03:42:58.031 listFolder] SD_MMC: 505.4MB used of 7.4GB
[03:42:58.032 loadConfig] Load config
[03:42:58.105 checkConfigFile] Created /data/configs.txt from local store
[03:42:58.236 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection
[03:42:58.250 setup] PSRAM size: 8.0MB
[03:42:58.447 prepCam] Camera init OK for model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER
[03:42:58.719 setWifiSTA] Wifi Station IP from DHCP
.[03:42:58.835 onWiFiEvent]
WiFi Station connection to Bangert_30_Andijk, using hostname: ESP-CAM_MJPEG_B8472CB267AC
......[03:43:01.857 onWiFiEvent]
Wifi Station IP, use '' to connect
[03:43:02.258 setupMdnsHost] mDNS service: http://ESP-CAM_MJPEG_B.local
[03:43:04.528 startWifi] Wifi stats for Bangert_30_Andijk - signal strength: -61 dBm; Encryption: WPA2_PSK; channel: 11
[03:43:04.530 startPing] Started ping monitoring - Off
[03:43:04.544 startWebServer] Starting web server on port: 80
[03:43:04.545 startWebServer] Remote server certificates not checked
[03:43:04.545 startSustainTasks] Started 1 HTTP sustain tasks
[03:43:04.555 prepUpload] File uploads will use FTP server
[03:43:04.556 prepTelegram] Telegram not being used
[03:43:04.556 resetWatchDog] WatchDog started using task: ping
[03:43:04.567 getLocalNTP] Using NTP server:
[03:43:04.579 showLocalTime] Got current time from NTP: 19/04/2024 03:43:04 with tz: GMT0
[03:43:04.609 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection
[03:43:04.794 prepRecording] To record new AVI, do one of:
[03:43:04.794 prepRecording] - press Start Recording on web page
[03:43:04.794 prepRecording] Camera model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER ready @ 20MHz
[03:43:04.805 checkMemory] Free: heap 49000, block: 23540, min: 46684, pSRAM 1490603
[03:43:04.816 loop] =============== Total tasks: 17 ===============
[03:43:05.376 wgetFile] Downloading /data/common.js from /ldijkman/async-esp-fs-webserver/master/docs/ino/ESP32-CAM_Camera_Webserver/BIN/data/common.js
[03:43:05.756 wgetFile] Downloaded /data/common.js, size 28604 bytes
[03:43:06.457 wgetFile] Downloading /data/MJPEG2SD.htm from /ldijkman/async-esp-fs-webserver/master/docs/ino/ESP32-CAM_Camera_Webserver/BIN/data/MJPEG2SD.htm
[03:43:07.821 wgetFile] Downloaded /data/MJPEG2SD.htm, size 95KB
[03:43:34.541 setAlarm] Alarm scheduled at 20/04/2024 01:00:00
[03:43:35.519 saveConfigVect] Config file saved
[03:43:35.546 doAppPing] Daily rollover
[03:43:38.150 wsHandler] Websocket connection: 55
[03:43:44.093 wsHandler] Websocket connection: 55
[03:48:04.509 isNight] Night time
[03:54:02.639 deleteFolderOrFile] Deleting : /data
[03:54:02.640 deleteFolderOrFile] Folder /data contents
[03:54:02.650 deleteFolderOrFile] FILE : /data/configs.txt Size : 5710 bytes deleted
[03:54:02.703 deleteFolderOrFile] FILE : /data/common.js Size : 28604 bytes deleted
[03:54:02.757 deleteFolderOrFile] FILE : /data/MJPEG2SD.htm Size : 95KB deleted
[03:54:02.812 deleteFolderOrFile] Folder /data deleted
[03:54:02.853 doRestart] Controlled restart: user requested restart after data deletion
[03:54:04.864 onWiFiEvent] WiFi Station disconnected
[03:54:04.866 onWiFiEvent] Wifi Station stopped Bangert_30_Andijk
[03:54:04.871 showStream] MJPEG: 7027 frames, total 110.3MB in 356.4s @ 19.7fps
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400806b4
[03:54:05.875 logSetup] Setup RAM based log, size 7168, starting from 3722
[03:54:05.876 logSetup] =============== ESP-CAM_MJPEG 9.7 ===============
[03:54:05.886 WARN initBrownout] Brownout warning previously notified
[03:54:05.886 logSetup] Compiled with arduino-esp32 v2.0.14
[03:54:05.897 printResetReason] Software reset via esp_restart
[03:54:05.897 printWakeupReason] Wakeup by reset
[03:54:06.009 infoSD] SD card type SDHC, Size: 7.4GB
[03:54:06.009 listFolder] Sketch size 1.6MB
[03:54:06.317 listFolder] SD_MMC: 505.4MB used of 7.4GB
[03:54:06.318 loadConfig] Load config
[03:54:06.388 checkConfigFile] Created /data/configs.txt from local store
[03:54:06.524 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection
[03:54:06.538 setup] PSRAM size: 8.0MB
[03:54:06.735 prepCam] Camera init OK for model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER
[03:54:06.996 setWifiSTA] Wifi Station IP from DHCP
.[03:54:07.043 onWiFiEvent]
WiFi Station connection to Bangert_30_Andijk, using hostname: ESP-CAM_MJPEG_B8472CB267AC
.[03:54:07.582 onWiFiEvent]
Wifi Station IP, use '' to connect
[03:54:08.031 setupMdnsHost] mDNS service: http://ESP-CAM_MJPEG_B.local
[03:54:10.302 startWifi] Wifi stats for Bangert_30_Andijk - signal strength: -69 dBm; Encryption: WPA2_PSK; channel: 11
[03:54:10.304 startPing] Started ping monitoring - Off
[03:54:10.309 resetWatchDog] WatchDog started using task: ping
[03:54:10.315 getLocalNTP] Using NTP server:
[03:54:10.318 startWebServer] Starting web server on port: 80
[03:54:10.327 startWebServer] Remote server certificates not checked
[03:54:10.337 showLocalTime] Got current time from NTP: 19/04/2024 03:54:10 with tz: GMT0
[03:54:10.337 startSustainTasks] Started 1 HTTP sustain tasks
[03:54:10.348 prepUpload] File uploads will use FTP server
[03:54:10.349 prepTelegram] Telegram not being used
[03:54:10.399 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection
[03:54:10.583 prepRecording] To record new AVI, do one of:
[03:54:10.583 prepRecording] - press Start Recording on web page
[03:54:10.585 prepRecording] Camera model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER ready @ 20MHz
[03:54:10.596 checkMemory] Free: heap 49064, block: 23540, min: 46748, pSRAM 1490603
[03:54:10.608 loop] =============== Total tasks: 17 ===============
[03:54:11.143 wgetFile] Downloading /data/common.js from /ldijkman/async-esp-fs-webserver/master/docs/ino/ESP32-CAM_Camera_Webserver/BIN/data/common.js
[03:54:11.669 wgetFile] Downloaded /data/common.js, size 28604 bytes
[03:54:12.392 wgetFile] Downloading /data/MJPEG2SD.htm from /ldijkman/async-esp-fs-webserver/master/docs/ino/ESP32-CAM_Camera_Webserver/BIN/data/MJPEG2SD.htm
[03:54:14.004 wgetFile] Downloaded /data/MJPEG2SD.htm, size 95KB
[03:54:26.926 wsHandler] Websocket connection: 54
[03:54:40.300 setAlarm] Alarm scheduled at 20/04/2024 01:00:00
[03:54:41.329 saveConfigVect] Config file saved
[03:54:41.355 doAppPing] Daily rollover
color in web serial terminal alike log color codes find ip mdns in a blink and clickable link
reload /data added a button test with confirm popup
looks like ESP gets in loop => del dir // reboot // download files /control?deldata=1 is not reset maybe after excecuted
aded an install button for another board but should be faster but i find it slow must be my arduino coding / settings
ESP32-S3-Wroom-1, 16Mb?, OV2640 Camera, SD-Card Slot, Dual USB 16Mb?
Nice, thank you for supporting this Board
I run into a problem here, i have an OV5640 Cam attached it won´t work Could you please implement an option to choose the right Cam also i think there is a need to change the FB_BUFFERS size for the OV5640
@s60sc commented Apr 18, 2024
Bug awaiting fix due to combination of S3 and OV5460 trying to allocate too much PSRAM
In the interim, in appGlobals.h, change: #define FB_BUFFERS 12 // 1 being processed, rest being filled to: #define FB_BUFFERS 6 // 1 being processed, rest being filled
my log:
[00:00:00.018 logSetup] Setup RAM based log, size 7168, starting from 0
[00:00:00.018 logSetup] =============== ESP-CAM_MJPEG 9.7 =============== [00:00:00.029 logSetup] Compiled with arduino-esp32 v2.0.14 [00:00:00.029 printResetReason] Power on reset [00:00:00.039 printWakeupReason] Wakeup by reset [00:00:00.102 infoSD] SD card type SDHC, Size: 59.5GB [00:00:00.103 listFolder] Sketch size 1.5MB [00:00:00.239 listFolder] File: /data/configs.txt, size: 5707 bytes [00:00:00.244 listFolder] File: /data/common.js, size: 34155 bytes [00:00:00.248 listFolder] File: /data/MJPEG2SD.htm, size: 90KB [00:00:00.249 listFolder] SD_MMC: 3.9MB used of 59.0GB [00:00:00.259 loadConfig] Load config [00:00:00.456 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection [00:00:00.459 setup] PSRAM size: 8.0MB [00:00:02.438 setWifiSTA] Wifi Station IP from DHCP [00:00:02.451 WARN startWifi] SSID not available, use AP [00:00:02.453 onWiFiEvent] Wifi AP stopped: ESP-CAM_MJPEG_D8AAEFE22748 [00:00:02.453 onWiFiEvent] Wifi AP SSID: ESP-CAM_MJPEG_D8AAEFE22748 started, use '' to connect [00:00:02.475 setupMdnsHost] mDNS service: http://ESP-CAM_MJPEG_D.local [00:00:05.685 startPing] Started ping monitoring - Off [00:00:05.687 startWebServer] Starting web server on port: 80 [00:00:05.688 startWebServer] Remote server certificates not checked [00:00:05.698 WARN setup] Startup Failure: Camera init error 0xffffffff on CAMERA_MODEL_ESP32S3_EYE_FREENOVE [00:00:05.708 loop] =============== Total tasks: 13 ===============
[00:00:10.686 resetWatchDog] WatchDog started using task: ping
Thank you in advance