Aly Cerruti

Results 62 issues of Aly Cerruti

NVorbis builds just fine if you add `net6.0` to its `TargetFrameworks`. Is there any reason this shouldn't be done? A project that I'm trying to get to build entirely on...

Say, porting OpenSimplex to Scala: ```scala def eval[N

I'm new to this whole hardware thing, so what I want might not even be possible, but: I want the same MicroUSB port to connect to both the FPGA (so...

## Compiler version 3.2.0 ## Minimized code ```scala type Range[From Range[From, From + ((To - From) / 2)] | Range[(From + 1) + ((To - From) / 2), To] }...


I assume I would want to install to a Windows-side directory, so I change ``: ``` PREFIX ?= /c/Users//AppData/Local/Idris2 ``` And because my Chez Scheme is installed at `/c/Program Files/Chez...

Installation Issue

Some of the fields in User such as `lang`, `profile_background_image_url`, and `profile_background_image_url_https` are nullable, but not marked as `Option` in the case classes. This breaks circe's printing, as it expects...

Working with code generated via another language to JS/TS can generate a lot of intermediate locals. The standard Lua interpreter caps out at 200. An MRE: ```ts () => {...

feature request
scope: transformation

``` Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.FileSystemException: coursier.bat: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.implDelete( at...

I'm generating code based on [Hyperscan]('s `hs.h`, `hs_common.h`, `hs_compile.h`, `hs_runtime.h`. Given are: ```c struct hs_database; typedef struct hs_database hs_database_t; typedef struct hs_compile_error { char *message; int expression; } hs_compile_error_t; hs_error_t...

I'm working with a Lua script that requires binary data be written/read in string form (the `io` functions are operating on binary files). I _cannot_ change this as I'm required...