Sharingan icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Sharingan copied to clipboard

We will try to find your visible basic footprint from social media as much as possible - 😤 more sites is comming soon


We will try to find your visible basic footprint from social media as much as possible

中文版: Readme_cn


First, ensure that you have installed the python3.8+ , and then run the following commands.

git clone

cd sharingan

python3 install

or via pip

pip install sharingan


python3 -m sharingan blue

Add New Targets

I have considered using JSON as the site's configuration file, but later wrote it in

And what we need to do is add the following method under class Extractor, where the def upload method stores the basic configuration of the corresponding site

For optional configurations, see

    def __example() -> Generator:
            1. <-- yield your config first
            2. --> then got your datas back
            3. <-- finally, yield the extracted data back
        T = yield from upload(
                "url": "http://xxxx",
        ) = T.html.pq('title').text()

        yield T

Singel Test

Sometimes we need to test for a new site

And we can use the following code . for example, when the target is twitter

python3 -m sharingan larry --singel=twitter

Create sites from sherlock

run the following command first

python3 -m sharingan.common

and it will create a python file named

    def site_2Dimensions():
        T = yield from upload(url='''{}''',)

        T.title = T.html.pq('title').text()
        yield T

    def site_3dnews():
        T = yield from upload(url='''{}''',error_type='text',error_msg='''Пользователь не зарегистрирован и не имеет профиля для просмотра.''',)

        T.title = T.html.pq('title').text()
        yield T


then replace them into



  --name TEXT        The username you need to search
  --proxy_uri TEXT   Proxy address in case of need to use a proxy to be used
  --no_proxy         All connections will be directly connected
  --save_path TEXT   The storage location of the collected results
  --pass_history     The file name will be named according to the scan endtime
  --singel TEXT      Commonly used for single target information acquisition or testing
  --debug            Debug model
  --update           Do not overwrite the original data results
  --workers INTEGER  Number of concurrent workers
  --help             Show this message and exit.


  • Formatted output

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

If you think this script is useful to you, don't forget star 🐶. Inspired by ❤️ sherlock