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Make testing even more fun with RStudio addins and more


status Travis build
status Codecov test

testthis makes unit testing in R more comfortable. It is designed to complement the packages testthat, devtools and usethis.


testthis provides RStudio addins for working with files that contain tests. These can be called like normal R function, but it is also possible to assigned them to hotkeys RStudio (Tools/Modify Keyboard Shortcuts).

  • test_this(): Reloads the package and runs tests associated with the currently open R script file.
  • open_testfile(): Opens the associated test file in an editor window. If the currently open file already is a test file, it opens the associated file in the /R directory. Can be used to jump back and forth between both.

The associated test file for a file R/foo.R is usually /tests/testhat/test_foo.R (or test-foo.R). You can modify this behavior by putting the comment #* @testfile anotherfile anywhere in R/foo.R.

testthis also provides functions for managing tests in subdirectories of tests/testthat:

  • use_testdata() places a single R object in the tests/testhat/testdata directory. It is analogous to usethis::use_data(), except that it saves the object in the .rds format, which is more appropriate for single R objects than .rda or .Rdata (see ?readRDS).

  • use_testdata_raw() creates a script-file in the directory tests/testhat/testdata-raw. The testdata-raw directory should contain all script files used to generate the data in tests/testhat/testdata, analogous to the relationship between /data and /data-raw as recommended by devtools/usethis.

  • find_testdata() and read_testdata() are simple helpers to read files saved with use_testdata().

  • use_test_subdir() and test_subdir() for putting/running tests in subdirectories of tests/testhat/. These tests will not be run on CRAN or by devtools::test(). This is useful for tests that take a long time to execute, or that require external resources (web, databases) that may not always be available.

    test_acceptance(), test_manual() and test_integration() are presets to run tests in the integration_tests, acceptance_tests and manual_tests subdirectories of test/testthat.

Testthis also provides some simple code analysis tools

  • test_coverage() lists all functions of package and shows whether they are mentioned in any test_that() call’s desc argument; e.g. if you have a test file containing test_that("testing that function foo works", <...>), foo() will show up marked as tested. This can be used as a simple todo list for testing, but does not replace a proper test coverage analyzer like covr.
  • test_index() produces an index of all test_that() calls. Supports RStudio Markers when run interactively from within RStudio.

For more details see the function reference


# Testthis is on CRAN:

# You can also install the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")



RStudio addins (can be assigned to hotkeys):

## The file `tests/testthat/test_myscript.R` does not exist. 
## You can create it with testthis::test_skeleton().

## * Creating `tests/testthat/test_myscript.R`

## > Opens `tests/testthat/test_myscript.R`

## > Runs tests in `tests/testthat/test_myscript.R`
## > works from the original .R file as well as from the file containing the tests

Code analysis:




## > Package /data/home/fleck/rpkgs/rotor, Test Coverage: 17.8%
## >
## > exported functions .................... 
## > u fun          
## > + backup       
## > + backup_date  
## > + backup_time  
## > ...

# 'u' stands for 'unit tests', more columns are possible if you use the 
# test_subdir() feature of testthis