
Results 93 comments of ryuukk

> Please add more details here. I have to search different pages and source code to figure out exactly what you mean and what difference you observe between Clang and...

Any news on this? I'm tired of having to include that file for all my projects If someone could indicate me where in the code base the problem lies, i...

I will give this a try, thanks a lot

Wait, i missed an important detail You said: "skipping the bounds and overlap checks" Why would someone want to skip that? i want that in debug build, did i misunderstand...

I went with this easiest method, i initially tried to add a mode so it dynamically increases its height, but i failed, i'll try again later

Ok looks like it's working now It'll properly resize to show the content https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/assets/44361234/367a8514-0777-4467-b994-def5d824e58e

- If the box is going to dynamically increase its height, there's no need for the vertical scrollbar. I agree, i'll check how to disable them - There should probably...

My theory is - ``self.window.run_command("terminus_open", kwargs)`` is async? - it finds ``[Finished in`` only because i ran it before so it's in the buffer? So question is, how to `await`...

look closer, it shows the label twice it should be: ![image](https://github.com/zigtools/zls/assets/44361234/c2eef661-c04b-4742-b75f-decb97a38262)

The doc says ``$(BLUE This function is POSIX-Only.)`` so that line should be perhaps be changed to: ``POSIX and Windows Only``