Ryan Tse
Ryan Tse
I have personally given up on running PyBOMBS at all, much less through conda, as it is so unstable. However, the apt package worked fine for me after installing a...
In that case, try `sudo apt install libgtk2.0-dev libgtk2.0-0` to resolve your PyGTK issue. [Here's](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51731082/pygtk-issue-when-installing-gnuradio/51735438?noredirect=1#comment90542456_51735438) a related StackOverflow post. I never did get get it working in a virtualenv or...
What is the output of `ls /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages`
It looks like you have gtk but not [gobject](https://pygobject.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html). Once you have that, try following bohrax's instructions for adding symbolic symlinks to gtk, pygobject, and pygtk so that non-root python...
Did you create the simlinks that bohrax advises?
Do `which pybombs` and `which python` both point to the conda environment?
Also, what's the output of ``` import gtk import gobject ```
`import cairo`?
You're welcome! I would like to be able to run GNURadio through conda as well, so I'm happy to help. If you figure out how to do it, please do...
## Update My issue was that the tool waits until it receives images from all specified cameras at once, but my system has cameras that do not overlap with all...