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Using "Testing Shared Memories" paper to make Jepsen check linearizability in linear time
Linear linearizability check with Jepsen
I was playing with an idea from the "Testing shared memories" paper and created this proof of concept. It's a checker for Jepsen validating linearizability of key/value storages supporting CAS in O(n).
Jepsen is a tool for testing consistency guarantees of distributed systems. It performs operations, injects faults, collects history and then tries to see if the history is linearizable.
In general, the problem of testing linearizability is NP-complete, and the process of the checking belongs to the O(n!) class meaning that it takes an enormous amount of resources (time, memory) to validate long histories:
- "Jepsen’s linearizability checker, Knossos, is not fast enough to reliably verify long histories," from the CockroachDB analysis.
- "Because checking long histories for linearizability is expensive, we’ll break up our test into operations on different documents, and check each one independently—only working with a given document for ~60 seconds", from the RethinkDB analysis.
"Testing shared memories" paper steps away from the general case but stays in the realm of the realm of practical application and shifts the problem from the NP to O(n) space.
Reduced complexity allows to test systems for hours and check the consistency of the long-running operations such as reconfiguration, compaction/vacuuming, splitting a single replica set into several shards, live update, taking backups, etc.
This project successfully implements a checker from the paper, integrates it with Jepsen and reproduces the MongoDB 2.6.7 analysis to validate that new checker can find violations.
What's the particular case?
The paper focuses on testing registers supporting update and read operations. Also, it requires that all the updates are performed using compare-and-set over a record's version (write-id). Formally:
- Each record has an additional write-id field.
- Each version of a record must have unique write-id.
- Each update has a precondition on the current value of write-id.
Aren't the conditions too restrictive?
If a system is expected to have concurrent writes such as a collaboration of multiple users or single user interacting with the system via multiple devices and we don't want to make assumptions on the meaning of the updates, then the system should support CAS.
In multi-threaded applications, we have a choice to use pessimistic concurrency (locking) or optimistic concurrency (compare-and-set), but in a distributed environment locks don't work and require the underlying storage to support fencing, so we need CAS in both cases.
The checker implements jepsen.checker/Checker
protocol, accepts history, ignores all but:
- start of a read -
:type :invoke, :f :read
- result of a read -
:type :ok, :f :read
- start of a write -
:type :invoke, :f :write
- confirmation a write -
:type :ok, :f :write
and checks if they are consistent.
History sample, each read has write-id
and write - prev-write-id
and w1
{:host "node1", :type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil, :process 8, :time 333383000}
{:host "node1", :type :ok, :f :read, :value 0, :process 8, :time 443435300, :write-id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}
{:host "node2", :type :invoke, :f :write, :value 0, :write-id "e2a02cec-2168-45e5-80e4-e009744454e9", :prev-write-id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", :process 9, :time 513243900}
{:host "node2", :type :ok, :f :write, :value 0, :write-id "e2a02cec-2168-45e5-80e4-e009744454e9", :prev-write-id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", :process 9, :time 940449900}
One of the algorithms from "Testing shared memories" (Theorem 4.13) is:
- Build a graph of the read and write events
- Add an edge from a write
to a writew2
ifw1.write-id == w2.prev-write-id
(write-order). Check that a writew1
has only one outcoming edge leading to a write. - Add an edge from a write
to a readr1
ifw1.write-id == r1.write-id
and check that the read value correspond to the written value (read-mapping). - Add an edge from a read
to a writew2
ifr1.write-id == w2.prev-write-id
. - Add an edge from an event
to an evente2
starts aftere1
finishes in any client's timeline. - Any topological sort of the graph gives a linearization of the history.
Jepsen runs on a single control node using multithreading to simulate multiple clients. So we can use its time as absolute time. Edges 2
, 3
, 5
are co-directed with time because they represent causal relations. With linearizability a read is required to return at least the most recent confirmed write known on the moment the read started, it also implies that 4
is co-directed with time so we can check the absence of cycles as time flows (online):
- Sort all the events (history) by time.
- The set of all observed writes and their dependencies (in a CAS sense) must form a chain leading to the initial value. On start, the chain consists only the initial value.
- Process events one-by-one.
- On observation of a value (end of a read or a write):
- if the corresponding write is already part of the chain:
- if the observation is a write confirmation: does nothing
- if it's a read: check that the observed value is or comes after the head of the chain known at the moment the operation started
- verify that the CAS-dependencies of the observed value lead to the current head of the chain and add them making the observed value a new head
- if the corresponding write is already part of the chain:
History is a zip of thread-histories. Each thread-history is sorted so if we group history by thread id and do merge sort then we'll get sorted history in linear time because the number of threads is small and independent from the length of the history (it's a constant, see :concurrency
parameter in Jepsen's configuration).
All the other steps process each event only once so overall the process of checking linearizability takes linear time of the length of the history.
How to run?
- Install docker
- Clone this repo
If Jepsen observes a violation of consistency, you'll see something like
{:timeline {:valid? true},
:linear {:valid? true, :some-details nil},
:valid? true},
{:timeline {:valid? true},
{:valid? false,
"Read read at 35220694031 'ffda150b-fb28-44d3-87e4-f922fdd8e807' write-id but a fresher 'b16e7d06-5786-4139-8420-9ee6ef6515a5 -> f0045d0e-ff02-4076-80cf-c8d8bd5949b7 -> 26ecb0d6-6ac3-4a7a-870b-4f55314522f4 -> ffda150b-fb28-44d3-87e4-f922fdd8e807' write-id chain was already known at 10173375459 before the read started (35208254096)"},
:valid? false}},
:failures ["key1"]},
:valid? false}
Analysis invalid! (?????? ???
In this case we have the following situation:
10173375459 - somebody saw b16e7d06-5786-4139-8420-9ee6ef6515a5
35208254096 - read started
35220694031 - read returned ffda150b-fb28-44d3-87e4-f922fdd8e807
but ffda150b-fb28-44d3-87e4-f922fdd8e807 is b16e7d06-5786-4139-8420-9ee6ef6515a5's dependency:
b16e7d06-5786-4139-8420-9ee6ef6515a5 ->
f0045d0e-ff02-4076-80cf-c8d8bd5949b7 ->
26ecb0d6-6ac3-4a7a-870b-4f55314522f4 ->
so the read should have returned at least b16e7d06-5786-4139-8420-9ee6ef6515a5.
Other features
This setup has a couple of new features compared to regular structure aimed to increase the probability of finding a violation.
Remote clients
Each node hosts MongoDB replica and a NodeJS app exposing HTTP key/value interface to MongoDB, so the control node (Jepsen) works with the database via the exposed interface. Clients running inside Jepsen always see the same worldview because Jepsen introduces faults only between the database's nodes. With the remote clients, this feature is gone and a network partition makes clients see the world differently adding a new possibility to break (see db/api-js).
Sticky symmetrical writer-readers topology
The setup is using three keys key1
, key2
and key2
; for each key, there are four clients: one writer and three readers. Each client is "sticky" and communicates with its designated node, for example key1
's writer always writes via node1
, readers read via node1
, node2
and node3
. The same is true for key2
and key3
but their writers write via node2
and node3
With this symmetrical topology and isolation of any node will affect at least one writer and all readers thus increasing intrusion and chances to observe something strange (see dispatcher.clj).
Guided nemesis
Instead of picking a node randomly nemesis asks MongoDB who's the current primary and isolates it to maximize the impact (see isolate.clj).
Current value predictor
Usually, Jepsen operates on a small set of possible values and to perform CAS it randomly select value to use it as previous value in a predicate. If the set has three elements, then there is 33% chance of guessing it right.
The TSM algorithm requires each update to be unique to map every read to a write event. The chance of guessing a right value picking randomly from a countable set is zero. So clients pass observed values to an oracle (see oracle.clj) and then use it to guess a current write-id (version).